Family trees

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This is to help if anyone is confused. There will be children of other characters but these are the children of the characters from the first book and their significant others. This family related to Cora and Cole.

The Ricci family

Luca- Luca is the oldest of five children meaning he has two brothers and two sisters. He married Ella. They have six children.

{Luca's siblings below}

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{Luca's siblings below}

Giovanni( if you don't know who he is he'll be introduced later )- Giovanni or Gio is Luca's younger brother by a year is the same age as Ella he has three kids the twin girls that are Cora and Greysons age and a younger daughter and he is married to Alyssa Knight

Giovanni( if you don't know who he is he'll be introduced later )- Giovanni or Gio is Luca's younger brother by a year is the same age as Ella he has three kids the twin girls that are Cora and Greysons age and a younger daughter and he is married...

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Nicolo- Nicolo isn't currently dating nor does he have a wife but he has a son who is three. He was a result of a one night stand and the mother didn't want him. The Ricci family is very family oriented so Nicolo said he'd take care of the baby once he was born.

Camilla- Camilla is a fashion designer but is still heavily involved with the mafia and she married Anthony De Carlo

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Camilla- Camilla is a fashion designer but is still heavily involved with the mafia and she married Anthony De Carlo. They are currently trying for children since she is still young enough to have.

Isabella- Isabella is in her early twenties and is just enjoying life

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Isabella- Isabella is in her early twenties and is just enjoying life. She doesn't have a boyfriend or significant other. But she now helps with the mafia and is still super sweet like when she was young.

{Luca's cousins}

Elizabeth- Elizabeth is divorced and has two sons but is and has full custody of her two children. Her ex husband is in jail and she now has full custody of her two sons.

Kane- Kane is trying to get his life together for his girlfriend and has a child on the way

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Kane- Kane is trying to get his life together for his girlfriend and has a child on the way. He is currently doing intel scouting and just doing anything to help the mafia and prove his worth to his family.


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The Morano family

Ella- Ella married the love of her life Luca and had six children together and has two brothers. She is one of the youngest. She has an older brother and the other is her twin brother.

Lorenzo- Lorenzo is a cop and works for the mafia like some other in the mafia are it helps to have them

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Lorenzo- Lorenzo is a cop and works for the mafia like some other in the mafia are it helps to have them. Lorenzo has three sons and is soon adopting two twin boys. His wife died during the birth of her youngest son Sam. They were able to save sam though.

Jacob( Ella's twin )- Jacob doesn't believe in marriage and is still with his girlfriend of ten years and their triplet sons and their daughter all their assets are linked if anything is to happen to either one of them

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Jacob( Ella's twin )- Jacob doesn't believe in marriage and is still with his girlfriend of ten years and their triplet sons and their daughter all their assets are linked if anything is to happen to either one of them.

Jacob( Ella's twin )- Jacob doesn't believe in marriage and is still with his girlfriend of ten years and their triplet sons and their daughter all their assets are linked if anything is to happen to either one of them

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The Santiago family

Greyson- Greyson is the son of Carlos and Andrea Santiago he has no known siblings and his mom committed suicide when he was ten.
This is all as of now and some things might change as in if as Kane for example when his child is born.

Hope this helped 🙃

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