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Greysons POV ps. could be a possible trigger warning later in the chapter ⚠️

I had been welcomed just like that. Why.

"Why" I whisper.

"Why just like that. I-I'm broken. Nobody loves me. I-I'm disobedient and I'm a waste of space." The voices in my head and the memories of my father danced in my head tears coming to my eyes.

Waste of space
Fuck up

I ran out of the kitchen and to the connecting bathroom in my room.

I walk in and look to one of the draws and find the small shiny object I was looking for. Now I've never cut before but I still have flashbacks to the basement. Those three horrible days of torcher and hell.

One for every insult I hear is a slice up my arm.

I cry out from the pain and sob on the floor. Why can't I have a normal life.

I want my mom. She made me feel normal. I put the blade on my wrist like my mom had ready to slice when the door booted in.

"Grey put the blade down." Cora said in a pained voice.

"Cora walk away." I plead

"No because I knows what happens when I do and I'm not letting you kill yourself. You're to important to me to let you do this."

"B-but I'm" she cut me off

"Don't listen to whatever bullshit lies your dad told you. They're not true. You have so much potential and are so unbelievably sweet and kind and you even managed to let me love someone outside of my family. Pleas Greyson don't do this. I-Im falling in love you and I'm falling harder everyday" she said tears streaming down her face.

I put the blade down and throw it somewhere so I don't try and change my mind.

She comes on the floor and hugs me.

"You make me feel whole. You make me want to live and I'd do it if you asked me to." I say into her hair while embracing her.

"I'm afraid that I'll end up hurting someone and I just can't loose the people in my life anymore." I sighed softly telling my truth.

"Baby I'm here night and day. If you want to talk we'll talk. I'm here you just need to be willing to talk." She sighed and got up off the floor pulling me up with her.

"Let's get you cleaned up" she smiles and starts cleaning the shallow cuts

It's been an hour or so since and Cora and Ella insisted that I relax and sit out with helping to make dinner. I'm currently cuddling with Cora on the couch in the family room while she slept on my chest. I played with her hair softly while she sighed in contentment and subconsciously snuggled into me more.

Ella came into the room and moved a chair to in front of the couch that Cora and I were occupying.

"Honey you need to stop. If you go down this path again I don't know what I'll do. You're like one of my own kids. You don't know it but you have a way of charming people and lighting up or burning down a room. You have influence over people and it reminds me so much of your mother. Please don't repeat her mistakes." She smiles sadly.

I was shocked. She knew my mom. And why did she care about me so much.

"You knew her." I ask.

"Of course. For a few reasons. One was that when your dad came to us for help originally he would exclude her from anything and I would stay and talk to her. She had created this free and kind atmosphere around her while your father couldn't give two ships."

"Ships" I ask.

"It's my substitute I only curse when I'm mad so people know I mean business." She smiled.

"This is a talk to finish another time. My husbands immediate family is arriving soon. Will you please wake Cora." She asked softly and left the room leaving me to wake up Cora for dinner.

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