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// Flashback, 10 years ago //

An old man walked up a mountain, his only belongings were a phonograph slung over his back and the small bundle in his arms.

He trudged up the mountain for hours, using his body to shield his possessions from the harsh winds. Master Fu shivered, the biting wind was nearly unbearable.

He reminds himself that he's gone too far to turn back now.

Finally, he saw it, out of the white haze surrounding him a large base emerged. He made it, Nanda Parbat, his shoulders relaxed. They tensed again as two people approached from behind. They stalked forward before stopping in their tracks.

The old man glanced back to confirm his suspicion, the black clothes and hoods proved it: assassins. He smiled to himself before speaking,

"I have an offer for an old friend... shall we?" At that, the old master continued waking. The two assassins followed, escorting him.

As they approached the compound, the bundle in Fu held began to stir. The Master's attention went to the baby in his arms as he continued walking, it cooed softly. The two guards approached the old man, suspicious. Neither anticipated seeing a small half-Asian baby with crystal blue eyes and a tuft of midnight hair wrapped in a humble blanket.

It giggled as one of the assassins gave it a funny look before remembering their training, they entered the base. Some of the older members recognized the ancient symbol on the phonograph, others stared at the bundle in the old man's arms.

Thalia sat in her room, meeting with her informants. One of the servants entered and alerted her of the old man's appearance, she was quick to send someone to confirm the visitors identity.

Thalia Al Ghul personally went to handle the situation, when she arrived Master Fu bowed respectfully and introduced himself.

"My name is Wang Fu, the last Guardian of the miraculous." Thalia knew of the miraculous, vaguely remembering her father's search for the magical jewels.

"And what business do you have here? If I recall correctly your people are enemies of the League. What is to stop me from slaying you?" Thalia was blunt, she did not have time to deal with pleasantries.

"The Order is no more, we are all that remain. I have a proposition for Ra's."

"We? The infant as well?" Master Fu knew his plan was risky but it was the only way to protect what was left of the Order. He nodded.

"My successor." The old man supplied. The small bundle moved revealing a rosy cheeked baby girl with bright blue irises. The little girl seemed to be only slightly younger than her Damian. This gave Thalia an idea... it was bold but would secure the League a new ally and a future.

"Come with me. As you were." The few men and women bold enough to openly watch the exchange went back to work. Thalia and Master Fu made their way deeper into the compound. When they approached the Head of the Demon they bowed before humbly sitting across from him.

"What is this, Thalia? I am far too busy to deal with such filth as a lowly beggar, why were they not dealt with?" Ra's spoke, agitated as to why this would require his attention. The short, old man simply placed the infant next to him before putting the old phonograph on the ground, opening the hidden compartment, showing Ra's the miraculous.

The Demon Head sat back in his seat, a contemplative look on his face.

"How can I know these are genuine?" The kwamis of creation and protection emerged from Wang Fu's pockets.

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