Chapter 9

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Ladybug was on her usual patrol route when she heard a loud crash just south of her. Knowing it was likely an emergency, akuma attack or not, she immediately followed the origin of the noise. People were scattered, running through the streets, chickens without heads. Like her old tutor said: a person is smart, but people are panicky and stupid. Marinette noticed two long paths paved into the concrete, whatever it was, it was big, heavy, and by default dangerous.

News reporters and the police were already on the scene, keeping people away from the real danger: an impossibly large, intricate, construction themed monster that destroyed anything and everything in it's path. Civilians were hastily evacuated. Ladybug began to attack the monster noticing a small compartment in the chest area of the monster that seemed to house someone she lamely dubbed 'Construction Man'.

Construction Man's arms were made of excavators with claws for hands and road rollers as feet. The machine couldn't move quickly in any particular direction, but the design allowed the upper half of the machine to swivel at will, allowing the two wreaking ball's that hung from cranes attached to the shoulders of the monster to swing wildly.

Marinette was able to lead the monster away from the larger crowds of civilians but the news was hot on her heels. She warned them to stay back, telling them it wasn't safe but no one listened. They were as bad as Alya used to be!

Ladybug noticed suspicious movement on the roof tops near her as she continued to study and attack the large machine. She knew to be on guard but she had to handle the akuma before it tore through downtown. Marinette closed in ready to deliver her final blow-

Damian watched a Parisian news channel as a reporter documented the nights events so far, it seemed like some type of construction machine was destroying everything in its path. His phone was on low volume as he watched, Pennyworth was driving him home from school. Damian was always anxious when he watched his betrothed's battles, cringing at every hit her opponent managed to land. What he wouldn't do to be there and help, luckily she couldn't sustain long term injuries when she wore the suit but that didn't mean she couldn't feel them when a villain struck her.

Mothball's villains were often bigger and stronger than Ladybug but Damian knew his fears were irrational, Marinette could handle herself with or without the magic suit and yo-yo, she'd be fine.

Alfred stopped at a red light as Damian watched Ladybug get ready for what he assumed would be her finishing attack, judging by her stance, but she stopped short. Ladybug scanned her surroundings. The heroines shoulders were taught. Her stance rigid. Something was wrong.

Just as he thought that, Damian saw what had to be ten familiarly dressed assassins circle Ladybug. Damian felt his body go pale. One of the assassins had loose, long brown hair. They pulled their mask down. It was Thalia.

'No. No. No. I'm going to be there in less than twenty-four hours! Why couldn't we have come sooner, she's cornered with mother there. By the end of the weekend she would have been safe. In Gotham. With me. Mother must have heard that Marinette was leaving to Gotham and decided to make another attempt at getting me to return! My love, Ya Hayati, is not a pawn for mother to bait me with. I have to get her back. Now. I need to alert father! Immediately!-" Damian's thoughts where cut off by movement on the screen, he could vaguely hear Alfred's distant voice.

Damian's mother shockingly stepped aside, Ladybug took a hesitant step towards the akuma before yo-yo-ing towards it. As she did so Damian was spurred into action.

"Alfred, cave- someone- everyone! Marinette, mother has Marinette- everyone! Please!" Alfred had never seen Master Damian so panicked but quickly obeyed, sounding the emergency alert for all members of the family and ran the red light- heading for the nearest entrance to the Bat-cave.

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