Chapter 10

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Red Hood pushed his attacker of him before knocking him unconscious, he moved to untie the girl sitting in a chair- facing away from him. The girl's hands were untied and she released her ankles while Hood checked to see if the hall was clear.

"Come on, Pixie Pop, Damian's probably loosing it with my comm broken." Jason saw Selina and Stephanie approach, likely hearing his yell. The question was why no one else did, someone kicked Jason on his torso winding him. Spoiler and Cat Woman arriving just in time to knock out the Marinette wanna-be. Red Robin was last to arrive, having been on the other side of the level.

"Well shit." Red Hood cursed as the trio quickly made their way out of the room, quickly searching the rest of the compound. Marinette wasn't there.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Damian exclaimed as Red Hood was cut off, Barbra began typing on the Bat-computer as everyone else checked in.

"What happened, Oracle?" Batman asked.

"Someone must have broken the comm, the signal is gone!" She huffed frustrated and worried, Damian wasn't eating or drinking anything after he realized Alfred drugged him so he could sleep, and was now in a frenzy- pacing as he mumbled something.

Everyone, except Damian who was no longer taken into account, agreed to wait an hour before sending help.

Forty-five minutes later, they finally heard back from Red Hood. Damian was on the line before anyone could even try to respond.


"Is she alright?!" Damian spoke, not paying attention to his brother's tone.

"I don't know. She wasn't there, it was a decoy." Damian's body went cold, he couldn't do this. He couldn't stand not knowing, he couldn't handle the thought of Marinette only God knows where, possibly hurt.

"Master Damian, Damian, sit down." Alfred helped get Damian into a seat, he was unresponsive, shutting down. The butler was able to get his counter part and placed Alfred the Cat on Damian's lap. This spurred Damian from his state of shock, petting the cat as all emotion was shoved deep deep down as he focused on finding Marinette.

"Are we sure they left Paris?" All discussion stopped, everyone had flown to the nearest zeta-tube and got to the cave as quickly as possible.

"Why would they stay? And we saw the helicopters leave on the satellite feed." Red Robin asked hesitantly, the slightest thing would likely set everyone off.

"Yes, but they also disabled all the news cameras. We assumed that they got on the helicopters but didn't actually watch them board. It could have been a decoy to stall us while they dug in." Damian spoke with no emotion, turning to the Bat-computer and pulling up a Parisian news channel. He'd programmed it and his phone to alert him if the news in Paris mentioned Ladybug but muted it when she went missing. A headline confirmed it:

'Ladybug Held Hostage at Eiffel Tower, Police Unable to Assist'

Jason face-palmed.

"We need to get to Paris then!" Nightwing exclaimed, throwing his mask on.

"No, we need to think this through. If we do this wrong everyone everywhere will think we have personal ties to her, she and Paris'd be at risk." Damian nodded in agreement, his father made a solid point.

"We could go, and someone tell the press that our partnership was leaked and that it was a last ditch attempt on Hawkmoth's part to save himself?" Barbra offered, Red Robin countered.

"That would have too many holes in it, Hawkmoth wouldn't be keeping track of us and it would be a stretch to say he tracked Ladybug without knowing her identity. Plus, he'd deny it either through a message to the press or when he's captured. We should take advantage of how exposed the League is, say that it's an organization that caught wind of the alliance and wants to get to us through our new ally." It wasn't perfect but would be enough to get the job done.

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