Best Friends

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It's the weekends. Its been a few weeks since U.A.. Melissa and I have become the best of friends. I met her father the other day and said they I can live here while my dad is away.

We're currently on the couch watching some random shows.

"Hey Nami-kun, don't you think we need to start interacting with others."

"I'm not sure. They're very loud and arrogant." I answered. Bakugo was okay. He was arrogant but only when excited.

"Okay that's fair." She answered.

"I'm not stopping you though." I reassured.

"Nah. I got one friend. That's enough for me." She said smiling. The white gleam of her smile was enhanced by her blonde silky hair.

"Awww. I'm flattered. Anyway wanna go to that Cafe down the road?" I asked

"Okay. Let's go." She answered

We then left. As we walked down the street we chatted about school.

"Hey, y'know I never met your dad yet." Said Melissa.

"Oh. He's always on assignments. He's a very busy man." I answered.

"Hope I get to meet him." She said calmly.

"We're here."

We entered the cafe and a out seats.

"Hello I'll be your waiter today. What would you like?" Said the man respectfully.

"Ummm. A coffe and your special." Answered Melissa.

"Coffe and a cake." I ordered. Hr nodded and walked off.

"So.... Wanna play 10 questions?" I offered.

"What's that.",

"It's like 20 questions but twice as fast."

"*Giggle* okay. Who is your greatest most beautiful and most important friend you have." He said in a fake British accent.

"Ummmm........... Uraraka.", I said blankly.

"Excuse me, come again." She asked worriedly. I began to laugh.

"You dumb dumb." I said while laughing. She joined in.

"I deserved that."

"That's two questions. My turn. Who do you in romantically.", I asked.

"Well. Ummm y--"

"Here's your orders." The waiter interrupted.

"Thanks." We both said.

"What's that?" I asked pointing toward her foodm

"Salad special."

"I've never seen anyone eat so many vegetables in my life."

"Well Momo has been saying that I'm a little fat sooooo...", She trailed off. Tears prodded at her eyes.

"Mel. You aren't fat. Far from it. You are beautiful the way you are and your weight will never change that. In my eyes your perfect and you always will be." I said sweetly. She looked down and then smiled at me. I then switched out plates.

"Eat it.", Is all I said. She obeyed.

"Damn I missed this." She said stuffing her face.

We struck up another convo.

It was then s familiar annoying voice appeared.

"Namikaze-san, Shield-san. You should be at home or thr library studying. This is no time for students of U.A. to be relaxing." Said the Ripoff hedgehog.

"Iida your making a scene." I said calmly.

"No. You should be home studying not tainting Shield-san."

"IIDA, leave now.", I shouted.

He stayed.

"Fine. Ready to leave Melissa?"

"Yes." She thrn touched me as I hiraishined back to our shared home.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm the one who called you out today." I apologized.

"It's no problem. Wanna watch a movie?"


We sat on the couch with some distance between us. But over time we subtly got closer.

"Ahh. I have a headache." Melissa complained.

I got up and got a aspirin and some water.

"Thanks." She thrn took the pill.

"Much better."

We continued to watch the movie but she then fell asleep on my shoulder.

She looked so peaceful. Or atleast she did. Suddenly she began to quiver and ger expression soured. She began muttering the words 'please don't' and 'wait come back.'

I did the best thing I could and that was to stroke her hair. She began to calm down and breathe normally again. Soon after she woke up.


"You had a nightmare." I said blankly.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"What was it about."

"My mother, she died while saving me from a house fire. She died because of me. Why didn't she save Kotayo or Rikuyo." She cried. She has Sole Survivor Guilt.

"They were your sisters?"


"She must've saved you for a reason. She saw greatness in you as I do now." I said hugging her. We stayed like this for a little while.

"Thank you Nami-kun."


And like that we both headed to our separate rooms. We then proceeded to go to bed and sleep

Words 741

Posted 26/7/2020

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