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Dahvie was the first to speak up. "I have an idea," he stated plainly, looking over at Jayy. Jayy nodded, as if to ask him to share it with us. "We can take turns," he replied happily. When no one spoke, he tried to explain. "She can stay in your room, then mine, then yours again. Sharing is caring." Jayy looked at me for approval, and I shrugged. I had officially stopped caring for the day, and I was getting tired. I felt a yawn coming on, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't fight it off. I looked out the window and saw that the sun had already gone down. I wondered how many hours it had been since I'd left the orphanage, my only true home for so many years. But now, this was my home. "That settles it then." Dahvie stated. "I call dibs on first night!" He yelled childishly, and I stifled a giggle. Jayy looked slightly concerned, but smiled, and looked at Dahvie. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna watch a movie," he said, and lazily plopped down on the couch opposite of Dahvie. I nervously sat between the two of them. Jayy leaned forward and grabbed the remote off of the table. "Well, who's up for some scary movies?" He asked, smirking. Dahvie raised his hand high and I giggled as Jayy clicked on the t.v. "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show," he said calmly.


Before I knew it, we were on our fourth horror movie, the moon was high in the sky, and all three of us were yawning. As the movie came to a close, we all lazily stood, Dahvie stumbling a bit in the act. "Well, I'm tired." Dahvie said with a yawn. I nodded, and looked up to see Jayy yawning as well. Without a word, Jayy walked into his room and shut the door. I heard him collapse onto his bed, and instantly thought about being in the same bed as Dahvie. I looked up to find Dahvie smiling at me. "Well, I need to go take all of this makeup off of my face, but I'll be there in a second. You can go on in," he said before wandering absentmindedly into the bathroom. Slowly, I wandered into Dahvie's room. There was a Queen sized bed, with a dresser a few feet away. It was fairly large, or at least, larger than it had seemed before. I could now see that this room had its own bathroom, and wondered if Jayy's did as well. I sat nervously on the bed, picking the left side. I looked up to see a large t.v. In front of the bed was a large flat screen t.v. Maybe they were rich, or famous. It made sense, given their appearances. Before I could further think on the subject, Dahvie walked into the room. He wore a t-shirt and skinny jeans, which is about the furthest from pajamas you can get. I still wore my jeans and a tee though, so I couldn't say anything about it. Dahvie looked over at me, slipping under the covers opposite me. "You don't have to go to sleep, you can watch t.v. or talk," he said. I shrugged, feeling nervous even nearing sleep. He turned on his side, looking me in the eye. "Are you scared?" He asked, a slight hint of worry to his voice. "I gave a slight nod, because truly, I was. I had been taken from the orphanage, and now, I lay in a bed with a stranger. No, he wasn't a stranger now. He was my guardian. Dahvie's quiet voice disrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked lightly, and I truly appreciated his effort. I gave a slight nod, and he scooted slightly closer to me to make it easier to hear my quiet voice. "I just... I've never really left the orphanage before, and I've never had any real guardians before, so... I don't know. It's just all new." I was surprised by my words, as I usually had trouble talking to anyone at all. "Well," he said with a smile, "I think you'll adjust just fine. Tomorrow, we can go clothes shopping." I decided to ask a little bit about him. "Are you guys in a band or something?" I asked, curious to know more about the unusual pair. "Yeah, we're in a band called Blood on the Dance Floor." He stated, seemingly proud. I smoled, happy that he would openly share information with me. "That's...awesome!" I replied happily. "I've always wanted to be in a band, but I don't know how to play any instruments or anything." Dahvie smiled approvingly, and rolled onto his back. "Well, you can always learn. I'm gonna watch some American horror story, but feel free to sleep." He said before switching the flat screen on. I flipped over, and we exchanged good nights. I then drifted off, thought of tomorrow drifting through my head.

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