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I awoke beside Dahvie, my face only a few inches from his. Startled, I rolled backwards with such force that I nearly fell out of the bed. I Carefully stepped out of the bed and approached the door, trying not to wake Dahvie. Silently, I exited the room and entered the kitchen. I heard a light sizzling noise, and looked up at the stove to find Jayy making some bacon. "Hungry?" He asked, and I felt my heart race. I had very rarely had bacon, except for on holidays like Christmas. The orphanage hadn't really put much effort into giving us high-quality food. I nodded, thinking of the magnificent taste of bacon. "Well, I think we'll go shopping today. Does that sound okay?" He asked. I nodded happily, as I'd only ever gone shopping when my clothes had been much too small. Most of my clothes had come from goodwill, but I was lucky enough to get a few outfits from hot topic. We had left most of my stuff at the orphanage, so shopping was necessary. Jayy smiled and slid some bacon onto a plate, making my mouth water in anticipation. I stepped forward and eagerly took the plate, and then plopped down on the couch. Jayy slid the rest of the bacon onto two separate plates and took one, then sat next to me. I dug into my bacon, not caring whether or not I looked good or not. "So, are you excited for shopping?" He asked, taking a bite of bacon. I nodded, and he smiled. "We'll probably stop by the mall near here if that's okay, and get all of the clothing you need. Anything else, you can get with Sally Stitches, a friend of ours. Sound good?" I nodded once more, figuring that when he said "other things", he meant bras and the like. I had no problem with that whatsoever, so I continued eat my bacon, carefree. I heard a door open, and looked over to see Dahvie walk out lazily. He grabbed a plate of bacon and plopped down beside me. Why was it that I always ended up between the two? No matter. I finished my bacon and placed my plate by the sink before plopping down between the two again. As I looked up, I happened to catch my reflection in a mirror. My eyeliner had managed to smear and turn into a living mess. I cringed, and Jayy looked over, assessing my situation. "Yeah, your eyeliner didn't exactly survive the night. Come on, I'll show you where all of the makeup is. We have way too much anyway, so feel free to use any of it." He stated, standing and offering his hand. I smiled graciously and took his hand, following him into the bathroom.

The makeup was lined up on multiple shelves. Believe me, there was enough makeup to take up an entire cabinet, and I could use it! Well, if I could figure out how to... My heart sunk as I came to the realization that I could use mascara, eyeliner, concealer- and, well, nothing else. Those were the only things that you got in the orphanage, and I hadn't dared to ask for other things.
Jayy pulled out a makeup wipe and examined my face. He leaned forward and started taking the makeup off of my face, and I blushed, thinking that I would be doing it myself. "I'm not completely helpless," I said jokingly, at which Jayy laughed. "Yeah, but technically, I'm your guardian, therefore I take care of you." He said, laughing. I smiled as he finished removing the makeup from my face. "Well," he stated, "if you are to be my child, we have to make you look amazing. Not that you aren't already beautiful, but we have to make you even more fabulous, for so is the legacy of Blood on the Dance Floor," he said, imitating an old man's voice. I giggled, looking at Jayy. He really was handsome, and I didn't know if I could ever think of him as dad. "Well then, is it okay if I do your makeup?" He asked, and I replied yes with a giggle.
Within fifteen minutes my face was looking...well, fantastic. He'd done concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. I looked like an underage model, and I felt beautiful. "T-thank you, it's amazing," I managed, amazed at his work. "It's the least that I can do," he replied, smiling and making my heart skip a beat. He had already done his makeup, and we left to let Dahvie get ready. "You can change into some of Dahvie's or my clothes, if you want," he offered, assessing my outfit. It was then that I realized how old my clothes were. My jeans were a bit torn and stained, and my shirt had taken quite a lot of damage as well. I nodded shyly, and wondered if any of their clothes would fit me. Jayy was way taller than me, and Dahvie wasn't the same build as me. "I would probably be closer in size to you than Dahvie," he tried, and I shrugged and followed him into his room. His room was much more neat and organized, although some things still lay in disarray. He walked over to a dresser and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, much nicer than my own. They looked like they would fit, and I took them with a quick thank you. He flipped through a few shirts and tossed me what he said was the smallest one, and it looked like it would fit. I slipped into the bathroom to change, and slipped back out when I was done. Jayy looked me over approvingly, and picked up two cell phones, tossing one to me. "You can have this phone, since I have too many as is. You don't have any boundaries, and it's all yours," he said. I put it in my back pocket, and after thanking him, I walked back to the couch. Dahvie was already waiting for Jayy and I, so we sat next to him. Jayy looked at the clock, smiling. "11:00, let's head out," he said, leading us out like a group of soldiers.
We reached the mall in a few minutes, and the car ride was mainly Dahvie pointing out people on the sidewalk. I sat awkwardly, giving the occasional nod and smile. These people were my parents now, and I didn't know how I felt about that. We entered the mall, and got plenty of odd looks, but I didn't mind. I was used to odd stares whenever I got to leave the orphanage. We walked into Hot Topic, and were greeted with excited screams. I sighed and reconsidered just how popular these guys were. Dahvie had his hood up in an attempt to not be recognized, but it failed miserably. The fans were held back by employees, and we resumed our shopping.

I strolled past the racks, casually looking at the shirts on the wall. The fans had quieted slightly, realizing that they would not be able to talk too much to Dahvie and Jayy. I picked up a Pierce the Veil shirt, a few My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy shirts, and a Falling in Reverse tank. As I walked toward the jeans, I saw a Blood on the Dance Floor shirt, and picked it up. I was living with them, so I might as well have a band shirt of theirs.
By the time I had finished going through the store, I had several pairs of jeans in multiple colors and all the tees I needed. "Are you sure this isn't too much? I mean, this must cost a fortune..." Jayy smiled and shook his head. "No way, it's fine. We have plenty of money to spend." I realized that they must, given their band's popularity. We payed for the clothes and made our way out of the store. The fans were being kept away by large men who I assumed must be employees or bodyguards. I followed the boys through the mall with our bags, and we continued shopping.

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