Dont know her

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Summers POV
We were in the classroom when these girls came in
T: hey guys
?: tomika we need you
S: who are these girls
T: this is babe,Lizzy,kenzie, and nora
B: you done
T: yeah what do you need
B: so um hypothetical question-
T: NO last time you asked me a "hypothetical question" we got fake ids,broke out of a Mexican jail,and had to flee the country so leave me out of this
K: it was their idea not mine I tried to talk them out of it
T: (groans) what did you do
Lizzy whispered something in her ear
T: oops
S: oh my god
B: hey you didn't see shit you don't say shit
K: we need help
T: uh....sure?
L: yes
T: I'll be back guys
F: when
T: when I need the bail money
S: I'm not letting you do this
F: do it do it
Z: Freddy
F: it sounds fun
B: I like him
T: might no wanna yell that
N: oh
They walked out we followed them to an old abandoned wharehouse
T: so who is it
K: um
They opened a door someone was tied to the radioator
T: are you ok I'm sorry those-
B: no your not apologizing
T: why not
K: he broke babes heart
T: oh poor guy died so young
He started squirming
T: look your not gonna die they get like this
?: (mumbles)
T: can you breathe
?: (shakes head)
She takes it off
T: you guys are psychotic
N: what about your last birthday we ended up running from the cops
T: but-
K: it wasn't our plan to steal a car
T: hey-
L: or flip off the police
T: ok we get it but still anyway what's your name
?: Hudson
T: ok we're letting him go
Girls: but-
T: we have eyes everywhere he won't say anything
H: I think you can see why I dumped you
B: I hate you tomika
T: you don't want me to act like a bitch
B: when are you not
She grabbed his collar and kissed him
T: let him go
L: fine
They Un-handcuffed him
T: I'm sorry
H: come 5 fucking feet of me again and I go straight to the police
N: fine god
He left tomika yelled at the girls
T: guys I'm already on probation I can't risk this and by the way your acting it's not long for you guys either
Girls: sorry
T: I know you guys like living life but there are sometimes when you need to stop and I'm taking your stash
Girls: WHAT
T: im-
B: we can get stoned
T: tempting but no
L: please
T: fine but If we get caught I'm gone
L: you'll be to high
T: true
They laughed it's like I don't know her we left

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