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In the beginning of time, two forces emerged from a void of space, one of lawful and order and the other of lawless and chaos- both were twins but their respective domains made it impossible to stand together for one created and the other destroyed, order was Primus and chaos was Unicron. At first, Primus ignored the destruction caused by his twin but soon realized it was inevitable to ignore Unicron and then the eons long struggle began with their combat eventually landing on a deserted cyber world- where eon after eon, the endless struggle never ended until Primus created with the power of life, his first creations- The legendary thirteen primes to aide him in defeat Unicron and banish his rival offworld to chaos elsewhere.

(Unicron POV)
So I have defeated....soon I will return to finish what i started mark my words, Primus.

As the being of chaos floated through space- he transformed slowly into a planet and a gravitational field formed attracted debris slowly inprisoning him as it's core over the millennium- in a last act, the essence of the chaos bringer was released to space to form two beings- Chaos and Order- first of the primordials of this new planet with more to come in time before falling into deep stasis for eons to come.

The Demigod Herald of Unicron (Transformers Prime/ PJO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now