Chapter 14 - Kronos is a b$!@h

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(June 12, 2008 AD - Two days later)

(Location - Big House, Camp Half-Blood, Montauk, NY)

(3rd Person POV)

"Alright so we are going to rely on the fact that Prissy during a capture the flag game saw an omega sign on or near Zeus Fist?" said Clarisse- Head of the Ares Cabin

"Well if mythology serves right, the labyrinth was built Dandalus- a son of Athena meaning if that is the case then the flame of the west that brought the Gods here also expanded the labyrinth." said Annabeth

"Wait shouldn't this guy be dead like over a millennium ago" said Percy

"Not exactly my best guess is that this Dandalus managed to find an important relic that my patron enchanted and forged by Vulcan so he has access to immortality but how is the question." said Blackshadow

"Maybe, He reads and understands Ancient Cybertronian and managed to build several artificial frames to continue his existance" said Nightshadow

"Wait is that possible to live longer than normal without being granted partial immortality or godhood?" said Annabeth

"It is possible and a perk of a mechanical body is that it doesn't age at the same rate as normal human so over the millennium, he must have switched three to five bodies to live this.... and continue the growth of this labyrinth" said Blackshadow

At that the meeting was dismissed until a quest could be issued

"<Nightshadow, my leige is pinging me, let us venture to the Anti- Spark>"
said Blackshadow

In an instant, a portal opened and Blackshadow and Nightshadow walked through.

(Location- Anti-Spark)

"Greetings, my herald- the time is almost upon me that the prophecy has foretold" said Unicron

"So the planetary alignment from Cybertron is coming to a close and soon earth is once more yours." said Blackshadow

"Indeed, but there is another reason- one of those half- goat man detected my last child and..." said Unicron

"Wait, I'll have a little sibling, this is so interesting- sire, who is it?" questioned Vulcan

"I see you learned English in the afterlife" said Nightshadow

"As I was saying before rudely interrupted by Vulcan- she has manifestating powers and an increasing aura that will give wind and one of those half bloods will take her to camp- I wish for her to know of her heritage" said Unicron

"Pardon, Lord Unicron- she is one if not only essence born sparkling are you sure that by her knowing her heritage will not kill her because I by experience know that when a demigod is found their scent doubles when they know of their heritage" said Nightshadow

"Which is why you and my herald will be sent to protect her and keep her safe" said Unicron

"My leige, what is her designation? asked Blackshadow

"Her designation is Miko Nakadai and if my knowledge serves me right, she aids the disciple of Primus" mused Unicron

"Then I and Nightshadow will...infltrate her place of studies and try to befriend but what of false prophet- Megatron?" said Blackshadow

"Then we teach him a lesson that the power, he uses is of our leige and anybody he deems worthy" said Nightshadow

With that they changed form to humans and opened a portal to Jasper High

(Location- Jasper High School, Jasper, Nevada)

(Dave's POV)

"Thalia, I am certain, we will be detected by the false prophet or the autobots"

"This is not a kidnapping, we are here to befriend her and if we encounter the autobots, just mask your aura" said Thalia

"Alright, I'll do that"

"Hey, stop bothering him- what he ever done to you, Vince" said Miko

"Shut up, crazy girl" said Vince

"Thanks for that Miko" said Raf

"I think not, Vince- what has the kid ever done to you?"

"Who the fuck, you are to walk up and defend that crazy girl and the nerd" said Vince

"FIGHT-FIGHT-FIGHT-FIGHT" Chanted the crowd

With a flick of his finger to Vince's forehead and the bully was knocked out

"Wow, that is cool- are you juzitu or karate- ohohoh- tai kwon do" said Miko

"Neither- Miss"

"Thanks for the save" said Raf

"Oh, it is nothing"

"He is just annoying" said Jack

"Hey, if you can um- care to pass by my place so we can rock and roll?" asked Miko

"And why not now?" asked Thalia

"Oh wait your his friend- um no 'cause I'm going to sci fiction club in..." stuttered Miko

"In a military vehicle, I mean is your club in a goverment base or what" said Thalia

"You know those aren't normal vehicles right?"

"Fine, climb aboard" said Miko

(Timeskip- 30 minutes)

(Thalia's POV)

"Wow, this is a abandoned missile silo"

"Indeed, impressive" said Dave

"Alright, ride is over" said Miko

As soon as they exited the green SUV, it transformed into bulky Cybertronian

"Hiya, Ratchet" said the green suv bot

"Hello, Bulkhead" mused Ratchet

"What's up, Doc Bot" said Miko

"For the love of Primus- Miko, more of your kind- uh uh" complained Ratchet

"So your new around here?" asked the blue female not

"That would be a Yes"

"Miko?" said the truck bot- "That was most irresponsible to being more humans"

"<I think bot, Optimus Prime but rather fate and the prophecy is about to happen>" said Dave

"Optimus, that is ancient cybertronian spoken fluently" said Ratchet

"Who are you and how do you know of our language?" asked Optimus

"That would be the correct question and to answer it- my name is Thalia Grace or Nightshadow and that would be The Herald or Blackshadow"

"Wait hold up, Ratchet- no bot has spoken Ancient Cybertronian since when?" said Bulkhead

"I think as far back as the Golden Age maybe the age of the Primes" said Ratchet

"And how they know this" said the blue female not

"Maybe, Arcee- if you ask them" said Ratchet

Just then a purple horned helmet symbol appeared on top of Miko and Thalia and Dave dropped to their knees

"Hail Lady Miko Nakadai- daughter of Unicron the Chaos Bringer and the lord of evil" said Dave and I

This is day is quite interesting.

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