Chapter 1- Why Life do I exist?

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(September 9, 1998 AD-4.54 eons later)

(Dave's POV)

Well here I am, oh hi- I am Dave Outten, i was born on 1986 or so I think of I am correct? Anyway, being someone who is a ADHD is hard not to include the dyslexia which according to doctors- I have since birth- funny side note, my ADHD is the rarest form because i still a serious attention problem but rather hyperactivity disorder- umm let's just put I have hypoactivity meaning Iam super chill that people think along with my parents and brother- The Rodriguez's as my community knows we are an ok family meaning we live with everything but nothing luxurious but especially me as just normal but when they see me it's like Iam someone who can easily get forgotten due to fact I can stay in one place for more than 10 minutes and think Iam a statue until my mom nudges my shoulder then do I move otherwise just me I could pass off as live mannequin or statue seriously. Anyway my family especially ma and pop come from Bolivia, meaning if you ask me any national food from there- i'd happily tell you even what music like seriously i heard those bands here in USA like Green Day- Nirvana- no, seriously my brother- Danny once gave me a Nirvana CD- he likes for my 6th birthday- he is 14 years older than me- and I promptly returned it with in the hour but give a lomplay disc or CD of the Los Kjarkas- i'd be dancing or singing all day that my parents taught me- the two dialects from over there Aymara and Quechua and as of moment I speak English-Spanish-Aymara-Quechua especially those three so fluently I could go over and pass off as a native and citizen of Bolivia, if my physical looks matched which they don't my pigment is more American and my hair is auburn- red hair with black eyes with a silver circlet- if you look close enough. And like i might or not might have said I am adopted according to my ma and pops- I was adopted few months old therefore my biological mother is unknown but i don't care at this point because the care and comfort along with my unusual motivation to study meant with in 5 years I was in 10 Grade- High School seriously. Drat I am tired writing this journal. All right well I have wake up early cause Iam going uptown to Manhattan Hunter Science High School since most High Schools in my area where i live with my family in Port Washington, Nassau County, NY rejected me due to fact i over exceeded their entry admission tests but in this school, i was considered and accepted and oh shit got to go sleep- fuck i am out peace out.

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