THIRTY~THREE - Conspiracy Theories

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The loss of Mimi and Tilde hung heavy. Any residual hope for finding materials to fix the airship with was gone. Carver would tell the others what happened later, as per his rank and duty, but for now, he and James recuperated by scarfing down Nibbs' soup in silence.

Healer Pilluck insisted Scarlett and Zenetra join her in Sickbay, and barked an order for Raoul to bring down some soup. Zenetra had a hard time climbing down the ladder. Her hands were mottled and lacked any ability to grip. Though James and Inspector Hatwig offered to help with a disquieted, "Hold on to me," and "Come now, Cadet," Zenetra wished to retain some of her dignity and refused them both. 

Sickbay was bright and warm. Once inside, the prickly healer grabbed a pile of folded clothes, jammed a thumb in the direction of her office, and addressed Scarlett. "Get changed into these, and then I'll wrap your ankle and start you on a heaping dose of medicine. As Cadet Noire's injuries seem more life-threatening than yours, I'll examine you more closely after her wounds are properly tended." When she turned her attention to Zenetra, she asked more gruffly, "Can you sit?"

The strip of missing skin up the back of Zenetra's leg pulsated. "I don't think so."

"Lean against the wall, then," ordered Healer Pilluck. "And if you feel yourself beginning to faint—don't."

Woken from his rest, Onnan barked, "Ha!" His face was puce. A pile of pillows elevated his broken leg. There was a stash of firestones near his side of the room, and because of that, he lounged in his undergarments. "Knew that bald foreigner would be useless without me! Tell it to me quick and leave out all that blather you young cadets are so keen on using."

"Can it, Garryk!" snarled Healer Pilluck. To Scarlett, she said, "Into the office with you, dollface."

Onnan raised himself by the elbows, only now noticing Scarlett's presence. "Is that—?"

Healer Pilluck's scarred lip curled high. "Ms. Burn has no interest in your verbal diarrhea."

"Diarrhea?" The vein in Onnan's forehead popped into view. He reached for the metal bowl on his bedside table, shouted, "I'll give you diarrhea!" and flung the bedpan.

His aim abysmal, the empty bowl struck the wall and clattered to the floor.

Healer Pilluck cracked her knuckles. She picked the bedpan off the floor, slid it back onto the side table, and growled, "Mimi is as gone as Captain Inglehart, you hairy hog, and Tilde too. If one more word comes out of your mouth that I don't like, you'll be gubbins for the fish. One. More. Word."

Onnan's lips twitched and pinched, but they did not open.

Healer Pilluck turned on Scarlett. "What are you waiting for? I said get in that office and change!"

Scarlett went to the office, an oddly whimsical smile in place, and muttered something in her native language. After sharing a brief glare with Onnan, Healer Pilluck joined Scarlett in her office. When the door closed, the two were blocked from view.

Zenetra had seen Healer Pilluck's office before. There was little space for an examination, but as she glanced around Sickbay, she saw that space was hard to come by in the main room too. Already cramped, what with Inspector Hatwig's empty cot and Garryk Onnan's unwilling permanent residence, Sickbay had become the second most occupied room in the airship.

From his bed, Onnan glowered. "The Thorpe girl is dead? No surprise there. Qhina, though? I didn't think she'd ever die on the job. So what happened, girl? Did you see it? Were you there?" His face purpled at the lack of response. "Girl!"

Zenetra slumped against the wall and ignored him.

Spittle flew past Onnan's lips. "Back in my day, cadets treated their superiors with respect."

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