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Once I walk out of the clinic, I find Jake leaning against the wall across from me like always. After Colin explained a little bit about Jake and Maria's...situation, I couldn't help but feel interested.

And not in the 'ooo, drama' type of way; more like in a curious way.

I've been wanting to talk to Jake about it to get his point of view, but I don't want to set him off. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm scared of Jake or anything—well...I'm scared of everyone, but that's besides the point. I just don't want to make him mad.

The other day when he and Maria blew up at each other, that was the first time I've seen Jake super mad like that. I mean, yeah I've seen him mad before, but not like that.

Jake is a goofy, understanding guy. You could take the guy's phone, find his nudes, and release them to the public and he'd still try and find light in the whole situation even though his reputation is tarnished.

I honestly wouldn't put it passed him to having his own nudes on his phone.

Anyway, Colin told me last night that Maria and Jake were super keen on keeping their "no strings attached" deal a secret until the other day when they both just blew up on each other out of no where.

Which surprised the hell out of everybody, including me. Well...of course including me. I don't know anything that happens in this damn town.

I don't give a fuck.

Colin told me that if anyone could piss Jake off, it was Maria. And it's hard to piss him off, so I don't know how in the hell she does it.

I just wanted to talk to Jake because I only got the story that Colin knew. I want to know how Jake felt. I know, I sound like some therapist who wants to know about everybody's problems, but I just don't want Jake to feel like he has to keep anything in.

Today was the first day that Jake attended Mitch's class after he and Maria's little...incident. They didn't even look at each other. They simply acted as if the other one was invisible.

According to Colin, that happens after every fight. He also mentioned that you'd know when they had a fight because Jake would wear yellow to try and get on Maria's soft side.

Yellow was Maria's favourite colour, apparently.

Other than that, Jake's just been acting like his usual, goofy self. Except for when we were in Mitch's class, I couldn't help but notice how quiet he was.

Lets just say, the tension was as thick as my dick in first period today. Wow...that was really crude of me...I'm so sorry.

Anyway, the awkward silence between them was driving both me and Colin crazy. Now I know how they felt when Colin and I were ignoring each other.

Except...our situations are completely different so there's really no comparing the two.

Jake shoots me a smile as he pushes off of the wall and starts walking towards me, meeting me in the middle of the hallway. He still insists on walking me to the nurse's office everyday. I keep telling him that he doesn't have to, but then he tells me that Colin would have a bitch fit if he didn't escort me to the nurse's office.

To be honest, I just think Jake walks me to the clinic because when we get to the cafeteria, the long lines to get food are much shorter than they are at the beginning of lunch time.

"Ready?" Jake questions, his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, lets go." I shift my things that were resting in my left arm to my right as we start walking down the hallway.

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