Chapter 12 // Kenma's first day at Karasuno High //

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Today is now Monday and me and Kenma get to go to the same school. No one in the volleyball team knows about Kenma being here yet. It will be a surprise!

"Hey, Kenma! Are you going to play on Karasuno's volleyball team?" I ask. He tells me he will join since Kuroo will probably be upset if he doesn't at least go to some of our practices. I bring Kenma to our gym and the members look at him in confusion.

"Kenma is temporarily being transferred here! So he will join us for practice until he goes back home. If you guy are fine with it of course." I tell them.

"Oh! We are all okay with it. But we should make sure Coach is okay with it first. May I ask why he is being transferred here for a bit." Suga asks.

"That's probably something I shouldn't tell you guys. But if Kenma is willing to say in then maybe." I say.

"I rather not say. I don't know you guys well enough for that. I'm not comfortable." Kenma says.

"I completely understand! I kinda expected an answer like that. If you ever want to tell us I'll make sure my ears are all open!" Suga says.

"Thank you... you guys seem all so caring." Kenma says.

"Don't day that too soon! There is always Tsukishima over there!" I say.

"Tsuki is caring. He just doesn't act on it. I've friends with him for years now yet, I only seen the caring side of him maybe three times. He does care though!" Yamaguchi tells us.

"I see... it can be a bit hard to express sometimes. I completely understand." Kenma says. Coach the comes into the gym.

"Is that Nekoma's setter?" He asks.

"It is! He is temporarily being transferred here for a while. Though he might end up staying here. He's going to practice with us!" I say. Coach just says "okay." And we start practicing. Well they start practicing. I almost forgot about my arm. Sense  I need to do better in school I decide  to study. It is such a surprise to everyone, even me. I have been studying a bit more since my arm has broken and it has helped my grades a bit. Math went up a whole 5%! Which is improvement. Usually my grades keep going down, not up. Even if 5% isn't much, it shows I'm headed in the right direction. Maybe soon my grades won't be F's anymore! Maybe they will be D's! Or even C's! Well- probably no C's but hopefully close! For a moment I watch Kenma. He's so cute!!!! I love him toooooooo much! I want to hug and kiss him, maybe we will even have kids! That's too far to plan... I doesn't even know if he love me the same way. But I have hope! All I need is hope! And then one day maybe it will really happen! I smile, thinking about what me and Kenma can be.

"You seem happy to be studying... why are your grades so bad?" Kenma asks.

"I'm not happy!" I yell at him.

"You are smiling..?" He says confusingly.

"Oh! That because I am thinking of beautiful, wonderful things that could happen in my future."  I tell him.

"Could you tell me?" He asks.

"One day I will! But not today!" I say.

"Okay. I'll be waiting till that day, even if that day is when we are both angels, or devils, who knows." He says.

"But what if we are something different. What if you end up a devil and I end up an angel?" I ask. 

"Do you think I am bad?" He asks.

"Nope! Not! At! All! But I doubt me being a devil." I say. Soon we start walking to my first class. He ends up sitting way in the back. After class, I go over to his desk and see he is asleep. I wake him up and we head to math class. We get handed back a test we took sometime last week and I got a... 67%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may still not be too good but it's way better then a 8%! I never thought studying could get me this far! I wonder if it helped my grade any! After math I tell Kenma about how much I've been improving.

"Good job Shoyo. If you keep it up you might end up going far." He say. Putting two thumbs up, while giving a soft smile. We finish school and head to practice. I study and watch Kenma play. Once practice is over me and Kenma head to my house. Because it would be difficult for me and Kenma to both get to school and back with only one bike. Kenma rids the bike, while I run. I keep up with him pretty well. I think this will be great for me in the end. My strength might end up being better. After a while we arrive home and I am out of breath.

"You might end up hurting yourself. Maybe I should buy myself a bike..." Kenma says.

"Nah! This will be great exercise for me. Plus after a long run anyone would be tired. Come one let's get some dinner." I say. We head inside and mother has dinner already ready, on the table. We start eating all the food up. 

Unbreakable Love // Haikyuu - Kenhina //Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora