Chapter 6 // Hanging out //

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Kenma was going to be here very soon. I was really excited. Just then I hear a knock on the front door. I go running toward it. As soon as I get there I generally open the door.

"Hello, Kenma!" I say. He waves his hand and says;

"Hello, Shoyo." 

"You are sooooooooo much cuter in person!" I say. He starts blushing really hard. "Even your blushing face is adorable. Why are you so cute?!" I ask.

"I could ask the same to you... you are extremely cute. Could I come in?" He asks.

"Of course you can!" I say while grabbing his arm, pulling him inside.

"You are so energetic. I don't know how I make friends with such energetic people." He says. 

"They do say opposite attract! Come meet my sister!" I tell him. I walk over to where Natsu is.

"Who is this Shoyo?" Natsu asks.

"This is Kenma! He is my friend! Kenma, this is my sister, Natsu!" I say.

"You seem like the same people... just one is baby." Kenma says.

"I'm going to watch so TV!" Natsu say, walking to the living room. 

"Want to help me make the cake I told you about earlier?" I ask.

"I'm not really sure how to bake, but I could try to help..." he says. I bring him to the kitchen and grab the ingredients. I ask Kenma to open the flour. While opening it he accidentally spills about half of it. Flour is all over the place. Especially all over his face. He look so pretty even when all messy!

"I'm sorry Shoyo... I already messed up..." He says. 

"No, no! It's all okay. It was just a mistake. I have done it a couple of time too! No need to say sorry. If you feel need to say sorry, say it to the flour, not me!" I tell him. He giggles, which makes me giggle too. We start mixing all the dry ingredients, and then we get to the wet ingredients.

"Can you grab 3 eggs,  Kenma? They should be in the fridge, on the right." I say. He nods his head and walks over the the fridge. He opens the fridge and I start sneaking up on him.

"BOO!" I yell, grabbing his shoulders. He ends up throwing an egg at me out of shock.

"I'm sorry, I keep messing things up..." He says.

"It's fine! It was my fault this time! I scared you so you threw the egg." I say while taking my shirt off because there is egg all over it. Kenma grabs the other eggs and brings the bowl. He sets them down in the bowl.

"How are these supposed to be wet ingredients?" He asks.

"They need to be cracked. I thought you would at least know how eggs work?" I say confusingly.

"I know that! I just- wasn't thinking..." he says.

"That makes way more sense. I was honestly concerned that you didn't know basic egg knowledge!" I say. We continue mixing all the ingredients together and once the batter was in the oven we started cleaning the kitchen. By time we were done cleaning the kitchen that cake still had a little while to go.

"While waiting for the cake to be done would you like to take a shower to get all the stuff off?" I ask. He nods his head and I show  him the the bathroom. While he is in the shower I start making the cakes frosting. Kenma get out of the shower just in time for the cake to be done. I take the cake out of the oven and we wait for it to cool down to frost it. We sit in my room while waiting. He is playing a game on his phone, and I am... staring at him... He is just so pretty, and cute! 

"Shoyo, why are you staring at me?" He asks. 

"Sorry! I just think you are super cute." I say.

"You have been staying that a lot..." He says. 

"Well, that's just how cute you are!" I tell him. After a few minutes we decided to check on the cake. It was ready to frost so we start frosting it. Well. Kenma was frosting it. I was looking for things like sprinkles. I eventually climb on the counters to get to the high up cupboards, because I am too short to reach them. I eventually find some sprinkles and I look to see Kenma was still trying to frost the cake. I go to help him and once it is frosted we throw some sprinkles at the cake together. I get Natsu so we can all eat a piece of cake together. Everyone ended up loving the cakes. 

After dinner me and Kenma head to my room. We sit on my bed together. I look at his hair. It's so beautiful and looks so soft.

"Can I play with your hair?" I ask him.

"Sure, I guess..." he says to me. I start gently pulling my finger though the hair. His hair is some much softer then it looks. I play with it for a long time. I give him some different hair styles. He looks so cute in all them. I think I love Kenma.

Unbreakable Love // Haikyuu - Kenhina //Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant