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The good thing about Frank's job was that he made enough money to not have to worry about having another job, like most people his age.

So he usually had the rest of the week for himself.

And now for his new boyfriend, Gerard.

He worked mornings at a comic store, and Frank thought about surprising him with lunch.

How long before you're off?, he texted Gerard.

I'm off @ 4

How is the store called again? Maybe we should go eat somewhere

Sounds good. It's called "Paper Kingdom"

I'll pick u up

Frank was already in the neighborhood.

Only a couple blocks away, in fact. He stopped for bagels and some flowers, and walked to the comic book store. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He just wanted to make Gerard feel special, the same way he did to him.

When he made it there, he took a deep breath before walking in, but Gerard had already seen him standing outside the window, and ran to him, meeting him right by the door, and kissing him. 'Hey you,' he said, with a smile.

'Hey, you.' Gerard's heart still stopped every time Frank smiled at him. He looked as beautiful without the makeup, maybe even more. Even with just a jean jacket over a black shirt, instead of his tights and crop tops. He had to kiss him again.

'What are you doing here?' he asked.

'I thought about surprising you, so surprise!'

It wasn't until then that Gerard noticed the flowers. 'Are these for me?' he said with a shy smile.

Frank nodded. 'And I brought bagels, too.'

'Bagels!' Gerard pulled him closer for just one more kiss. 'You're the best boyfriend ever, you know?'

'Funny, I thought that was you.'

After Gerard clocked out for his break, he met Frank outside again, and they sat on the bench to eat and talk about their day. A guy with a dog walked by with a dog, and Frank asked if he could pet it. After that they shared a cigarette because that was the only one they had, and held hands, and everything felt right.

'I don't want you to go,' Gerard said when it was time to go back to work.

'I don't want to go either. But maybe we can do something later?'

'Date night?'

Frank smiled at that and put his arms around his neck. 'What are you thinking?'

'I'll pick you up at seven.'

They'd been to several dates by now, but this one seemed important. Frank was more nervous than usual, and he thought caused him stomachaches.

'What do you think?' he asked Jamia, modeling a black dress shirt with a flower pattern and tight jeans.

'Love it!' she said, excited about his roommate.

'Wait,' he said, and returned to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, he came out with full makeup. Red eyeshadow and long eyelashes.


When Gerard knocked the door, he ran to answer it. Gerard didn't even know how to react, so Frank made it easy, and pressed his lips against his, getting a sigh in response. 'You look great,' Gerard said.

'Thank you, you too.'

He didn't even say bye to Jamia, and pushed Gerard out.

Gerard took him to a cute fancy restaurant just around the corner from Poison. It was all dark except for the candles that lit every table, and they were playing soft jazz music in the back of the room.

'I love it,' Frank admitted.

Gerard almost let out an I love you, but stopped himself. Instead he started talking about the newest issue of some comic book, which Frank thought was endearing. He was falling in love with this nerd, and he liked the feeling inside. 'I'm sorry,' Gerard said. 'I'm probably boring you.'

'Not at all. You're gonna get me into comics one of these days.'


'Absolutely! What do you recommend?'

And so Gerard started talking about comics again, while Frank listened attentively.

After dinner, they walked around the neighborhood, and Frank stole Gerard's scarf, just to wear something of his.

He checked his phone just to make sure about the time, and saw a text from Jamia. Good luck. I'm off to work.

'So – you wanna come over to my place and listen to music or just talk?' Frank asked.

To his surprise, Gerard nodded. So he took him up to his apartment.

Frank pulled him inside, still kissing him, and Gerard pulled from the scarf. 'I don't want to take it slow anymore,' he said, and Frank just smiled. He'd been hoping he said that.

They went straight to his room, and made out for a while, Frank's hair falling on Gerard's face as their tongues explored each other's throats, and Gerard's hands brushing against Frank's shirtless back. He wanted to tell him so much, but words failed him.

Instead, he played with Frank's belt and then then the button. 'Are you sure?' Frank asked.

Gerard nodded.

Frank helped him with his clothes, and then kissed his collarbone as he straddled him. He loved the sounds he was making.

As he aligned himself with Gerard's entrance, he looked up to him. 'I know this is going to sound crazy, but I love you,' he said, gasping, and then he was inside. 'I love you,' he repeated, feeling Gerard biting on his neck. He had never felt so close to someone. So in love.

'I love you, too.'

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