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The dry leaves blow as the man walks towards the almost barren city of beilas.

His hand held on his sword, alarmed in such a manner that it could be Unsheathe at any time, his ears tingle as the swift voices rushes against his motion. The village is almost empty, almost like no one was alive.

Lan xi chen unsheathes his sword and strikes it hard to the ground. Big branched cracks appear on the ground as a long gush of wind flows away from him in a circular motion around him.

His sword glows and a lot of monstrous brings comes attacking towards him at once.

Lan xi chen pulls out his swords and starts tackling with all of them at once. One by one, he cuts off the neck of the monsters that attacks him, which he call as ghouls.

They are usually strong and along with that they have great martial art skills. The amount of physical strength of a ghoul depends on the amount of energy used by the person before be coming the ghoul and the resentment energy, the physical strength increases by multiple times and the resentfulness results in much higher martial arts skills.

The people who died were mostly the inhabitants of beilas, beilas was the most peaceful city ever known, along with its beautiful hills and valleys, it was also the liveliest village of all. Beilas was a place if hope of the despairs to have a new and peaceful life. To think if that this peaceful village has become a the home of unwanted monstrous creatures, the innocents becoming ghouls.

"I won't allow that, tell me what do you all want " Xi chen swings his sword here and further, once, twice, thrice, slashing each one of them whoever came near. One by one.

He knows that the people whom he's killing all this time was the people, the innocent people who took care of him since he was a child.

Lan xi chen, was the eldest son of the cloud recesses lan meng tin. Meng tin was young but a capable leader, but he was assassinated suddenly, no one ever knew how he died, but he indeed died. His robes were filled with blood, and his body totally crumpled when he died. For a highly skilled cultivator to be killed by someone so mischievously was a really frightening thing. Lan xi chen was only 4 that time but for the sake of his safety ge was sent to beilas along with his grandparents. He didn't return until he was 15,not until his uncle lan qi ren has settled everything.

However,lan wei xuan was born still on his mothers womb at that time,  though he had a mother to take care of him he was born in a really crucial situation, so both of them suffered a lot.

One lived a peaceful life without a mother and the other lived a difficult life with his mother. Their pains and happiness are to count more or less sane but the love of a mother, lan xi chen had never received it

Xi chen had most of his memories on this crumpled deadly village that now he's standing on. That village where he was raised , the most peaceful village ever known, used and inhabitat  by those blood eater ghouls . There's no way xi chen could see it get destroyed before his eyes..




Xu chen killed the ghouls one by one until an outstanding ghoul appeared before of him.

He had that marks, on his neck yet unlike the others, he seemed a bit cleaner, and stronger , more powerful and had a vicious evil smirk on his face.

"Isn't it the first young master of cloud recesses, the jade twin, lan xi chen" The figure smirks.

His purple hair flew before his face covering his eyes completely, except for the cruel smile on his face, nothing else can be observed. His white robe flew as he stood there eyeing towards xi chen.

"So it's you, you "

"You can talk " Xi chen blurts out.
It was then he remembered what bao shan told him, that he met, a talking ghoul.

" You, you are the talking ghoul that a-yuan said about yesterday, yes it's you " Xi chen spats.

"Maybe " The figure smiles and flicks his finger. Just then a strong gush of wind appears from nowhere, blowing him a bit.

"This power, what power is this " Xi chen blocks .

"My name is zaru, zaruchimo, and today I want to ask you, will you want to join forces with us, and work with us against the cultivators " The man asks.

"What, join forces with you to go against the cultivator world, you must be kidding " Xi chen slices off the wind and rushes forward .

"Why are you doing this Xi chen, being my Ally is better than being my enemy I warn you " Zaruchimo dodges the sword as he flies swifts backwards.

"Betray the cultivator world and join forces with someone like you to destroy my home, never " Xi chen paces up his speed adjusting his sword gushing towards zaruchimo.

"Home?, you must be kidding, you had no home either than beilas do you "zaruchimo laughs.

" What do you mean, I have my home, my home is in cloud recesses, I have my family there " Xi chen blows another attack but zaruchimo is fast, he attacks him from the back and kicks him on his head from the back sending him stumbling forwards as he hits on the ground.

"You are lying, you don't have a home, they are your biological family, what a joke, you are nothing but a pawn for them, your uncle killed your father to take over cloud recesses,he sent you to beilas because he doesn't like you at all. And your brother, does he even care about you, he would always ignore you and give you the cold shoulder whenever you talk with him, because he doesn't accept you, no matter how much you try, how much you act nice towards him, he won't accept that coz he thinks you are not a part of his family "

"Stop it " Xi chen grabs his head, it's not true, it's not true he calms himself.

"No matter how much you ignore this face, it won't change, the fact that you are not considered as the elsest son of the lan family " Zaru smirks.

"Stop it, stop it " The images of the memories he had in beilas starts swiping continuosly on his head as he scrunches more and more on the ground .

"This is your end, lan Xi chen "

With the last smirk, zaruchimo swings on his sword towards Xi chens neck when another shining sword strikes his sword sending it back . The familiar design and the unique blade was enough to recognise the sword 

It was 'Bichen'

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