21- Happy birthday Harry

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Kate's P. O. V

We reached Justin place, and I saw his parent's in the kitchen. Sarah greeted me with a big smile

"You have met my mom, this is Martin, my mom's husband." Justin jabbed clearly unhappy with Martin's present

"Justin " Sarah scolded

"It's okay Sarah. I like to be introduced as your husband"Martin consoled her placing a hand around her shoulder and offered his other hand to me for a hand shake

"Hi, I am Martin." He said with a smile

" Kate" I replied shaking hands politely

"So Kate, You like ham and cheese sandwich " Sarah asked

"We can just order pizza" Justin said rudely

"actually ham and cheese sounds nice" I said

"Great,coming right up.make yourself at home sweetie. " Sarah said

After luch and a brief chat with Sarah and Martin, we went to Justin's room, his room was like any other teenage boys room.

Justin picked some clothes off his bed an tossed them in the laundry basket.
"Sorry my room is a bit of mess". He said

"It's all right" I said softly

"you dont have to be nice to them "he said

" By them, you mean Sarah and Martin"

" Duh "

" Why" I asked

" I am not basically a fan of them, so you don't have to be nice on my account " He said

" I was not being nice to them on your account, I was being nice because I am a nice person and they seem nice people"

" Whatever. Let's just complete this" He said rather harshly

I started with the books. I don't wanted to talk to him. He has a problem with me being nice to Sarah and Martin, I don't know what's his problem since they seem really nice unlike him.what does he expect me to do act like an asshole like he does.

It was 4:00 by the time we finished.

"It look pretty good to me" He said reading the final draft

" Good. I should go now" I said avoiding any eye contact

" Wait"

" Did I forget something " I asked

" Yes, you are not going anywhere before we discuss the elephant in the room" He stated

" What elephant" I said, I wanted to avoid the topic it's his personal life and I dint wanted to intrude

" You know exactly what I am talking about. Look you probably would have guessed by now that my relation with my mom is kind of a mess, I am sorry to make you uncomfortable"

" Its okay "I wanted to say that it would not be a mess if he started acting like a normal person

" No it's not okay , you might not know but you have quite an expressive face which is disagreeing with the words coming from your mouth. Tell me what you actually wanna say"

" I don't think you will like what I really wanna say"

" I would be the judge of that, spill up"

" Alright but I warned you so, don't be mad at me"

" Okay. I won't be mad. I promise "he said assuring me with a small smile.

" You are being a total asshole to your mom and whatever the reason you have it's not right"I blurted out and it felt so good to get that off my chest.

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