38- No deal

51 2 0

Kate's P.O.V

" Your nervousnes shows, you already know, what I am talking about" Issac said

" It's not whatever you think, it is"

" I was worried, after you left abruptly yesterday, so I went to your house to check on you. The one were I dropped you ,after the party"

" I don't "

"Live there" He said finishing my sentence."Yeah, I know... The lady who opened the door told me she don't know any Kate Davis"

I didn't know what to say ,and that still doesn't signifies , how the hell, he knows about Harry

" I asked someone to hack the school system, to find your adress. I was shocked to see, it was the same place were Harry, lives. Moreover, his parents are your legal guardians" He answered, telepathically reading the question on my mind.

" Kate, you told me trust is the first step of friendship. So trust me ,and let me trust you" He continued

I would not have said that if I knew, my own words ,would be used to trap me.

" Harry is my cousin brother. After my mom died his family, took me in"

" What" His jaw dropped " How come I don't know about it before? "

" Nobody knows about it except me, and Harry, and now you. You can't tell anyone Issac " I said

" I won't ,but why do you want to keep it a secret? "

" I would explain everything later but right now, we need to go back. The game might be over soon"

" Okay"

I always thought that if this secret ever gets out G would be the one to know, I never figure the first one who would find out would be Issac . God, where would this take me and should I tell about this to Harry or not. He is gonna be mad

When we reached back to the ground. The play was nearly finished, 2 minutes were left

" What happened to your eye. I didn't notice it before " Issac asked pointing at my black eye

" Gift from Vicky " I said

" Sorry, look likes it hurt"

" It matches with the bruise on your jaw, we kind of look like a couple" I joked making him smile

" Angry incoming, my cue to go. She kinds of scare me".Issac said

I craned my neck to see he was talking about, Geeta.

"Monday, 7 am" He asked in an urgency

" Yup" I replied and he left or fleed basically

" 104! " G said looking at me, extremely angry " the no of text, I left you."

" I was sort of busy " I said

" Busy with Issac " She taunted" how are you? " She asked softening her eyes

" Fine "

" No you are not fine, you can't be fine, and neither , am I " She said.

There was no point arguing since she could read me like an open book

" Kate, why are you doing this. Isaac is not the person you should be with. "

" It's not your choice G, it's my life. " I said avoiding eye contact

" I know it's your life, but I know you . You are innocent and sweet. He is the exact opposite of you. I wish , I could say I am happy for you. But I can't even pretend to like him"

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