- unknown ; I knew it

30 2 1

Jisung scrolled on Lami's phone as she is hugging him while watching the drama on TV.

They are already official, a few days has passed and its already January 02.

His eyes caught something familiar, a picture of him wearing a black mask while posing.

His eyes went wide and jaw dropped. He looked at Lami and then back to his picture.

He took out his phone and took a look at Bible Kim's masked picture and then her.

"Lami-yah, do you know him?" He showed her the picture of Jijung.

She nodded and said, "he's Jijung, why ask?" He quickly opened his phone and called Bible Kim. Lami's phone rang.

Both of them stared at each other, wide eyed.


cupid really is witty.

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