The Encounter

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A/N: So as I said in the description, this is based off of thesophiajones and her POV on TikTok! Also, changed his name to fit what Sophia put in Part 2 of her POV!

Sophie Johnson was making her way through Downtown LA on one of her rare days off, but just because she wasn't working, didn't mean she wasn't busy. With a doctors appointment already done, she was making her way from the mall after picking out a dress for a wedding next month. After this was a stop at her Grandmas before heading to the grocery store and then finally, home.

Sophie had just finished sending a text to her friend, RSVP'ing for the wedding next month when she looked up to see a young boy no older than seven or eight wandering towards a cross walk.

"Daddy? Excuse me," he reached up to an adult on the phone who just looked down and shook him off, "I'm looking for my daddy!" Another man briskly walked passed him and caused the boy to stumble and lose his balance. When he reoriented himself, he was now wandering into the street and oncoming traffic.

Before she could even think, she was launching herself towards the boy, grabbing his arm and pulling him back as a taxi flew around the corner. His body collided against her legs and she wrapped her arms around his head, holding him for a moment.

"Watch out! You need to be careful near the streets." she softly chastised the young boy, "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

His big, brown eyes looked up at her and he hugged her legs tighter. "I got lost." he almost whispered, "My daddy and I were playing at the park up by our house and when I turned around, I couldn't find him. So I started walking back home but I didn't know which way to go." The poor kid started sniffling and she knelt down to his level, rubbing his shoulders.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll get you home." she reassured the young boy. "My name is Sophie."

"I'm Max." he responded, visibly relaxed by her promise.

"Okay Max, do you think you can show me where the park was and then we can go from there?" He nodded and she held out her hand for him to take, which he gripped tightly.

He had brought her to one of the parks near the gated communities in Beverly Hills, almost a 20 minute walk from where she found him. They stood at the entrance of the park for a moment while she let him look around and orientate himself. He looked up at her, eyes wide and worried.

"It's okay, Max." she soothed, taking in her surroundings, "Do you go up or down a hill to get here?"

After a few sniffles, he replied, "Down, I think."

"Alright, so let's go up." He nodded up at her, his dense head of black curls bouncing as he did so.

A few minutes up the hill, she squeezed his hand. "Do you remember what numbers are on your house? Or on your mailbox?"

"Uhm, seven, five, uhm." Max muttered. As he continued to think out loud, Sophie scanned the numbers on the houses. The house they were passing was numbered "1567" and so she sped up her pace a bit, Max running to keep up.

"One five seven five?" Sophie asked, stopping in front of a large Tuscan style mansion. The lighter tone brick of the home was complimented by a darker ceramic tile roof. A tall, metalwork fence surrounded the grounds and she gasped when Max nodded his head enthusiastically. "Whoa... this is where you live?"

"This is it!" he giggled, running to the gate and pressing the call button. "Mr. Mike, I'm home! Where's my daddy?"

"Max!" There was a buzz as the gates began to swing open. "Your dad is driving around looking for you. I'll give him a call."

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