The Movie

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A/N: Thank you guys for the love! I appreciate all of your comments and hope you enjoy the next chapter!

The next morning was another early one as Sophie filled Ezzy in on the night before. They were in Sophie's room, packing a bag for the day.

"You're joking. You've gotta be kidding me, Soph. You're considering being a nanny for a man that you've only met once," she held up her hand as Sophie went to correct her, "Okay, twice. But STILL."

"It's $75,000 a week, Ez. I did the math. That's $3.9 million if I do this for a year. One point nine million if I do it for six months and then dip. That seems like the easiest money I could ever make." Sophie reasoned.

Ezzy smacked her shoulder. "This is a weird situation. Like, who just gets picked up as a nanny?"

The two girls broke into laughter as Sophie closed her bag. "You're not wrong, Ez. It's weird, for sure. But I can make a quick million just for watching a sweet kid. I'm doing it."

Ezzy sighed and pulled Sophie into a big hug. "I love you, Soph. Call me if anything seems off."

Squeezing back, Sophie rested her head on the other girls shoulder. "Love you too, Ez."

After a quick breakfast, the two girls cleaned up and then headed down to the lobby. When the elevator opened, the same chauffeur from two days ago was waiting by the entrance.

"Ms. Johnson, pleasure to see you again." he greeted. "Let me take that." He took the backpack from Sophie and as he turned to head out the door, Ezzy gave Sophie a side eye.

"I know, right?" Sophie laughed. Yeah, ridiculous was an understatement. This felt like a dream.

After one more hug on the sidewalk, Sophie climbed in the back of the car and waved to Ezzy through the window as the chauffeur drove off towards the hills.

A short drive later and they were pulling through the gates of Jace's home. Butterflies were rampant in her stomach now, causing her to bite her lip nervously.

As soon as the car stopped in the circular drive way, the front door flew open and Max came bouncing down the steps.

Sophie had barely stepped out of the car before Max collided with her body, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"Hey Max, I missed you!" Sophie beamed, tickling him.

"We missed you, too." came Jace's deep voice as he walked down the steps. He stopped directly in front of Sophie. Even though he was wearing glasses to block out the California summer sun, she swore she could feel his eyes travel down her body. "I won't be home 'til late today. Call if you need anything."

"Okay, but I think we'll be just fine. Right Max?" Sophie grinned down at the boy, still very much attached to her leg.

"We'll be great! Bye daddy! Have a good day!" Max giggled back.

Jace rubbed his sons' head before placing a hand on Sophie's waist as he passed by her and into the car. Before Sophie could process the brief contact, Max was dragging her back into his home.

"Toys?" Sophie held out a Batman figurine and a Bumblebee Transformer.

"I want to be Bumblebee!" He happily grabbed the yellow robot and began spinning in a circle, making Bumblebee fly through the air. "Daddy thinks you're pretty."

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