The Incident

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A/N: I know this one took a little longer to get out, work is hardest Fridays-Sundays so I hope to get another chapter out very soon! Enjoy.

The following day went relatively normal. She rode with Mr. Dan to take Max to school, rode with him to pick Max up and then visited a park to burn off some extra energy. Sophie reflected on the night before as she watch Max climb all over the playground, going across the monkey bars and climbing to the highest platform to then slide down the slide. She had a really good night with Jace, he had made her feel at ease in a completely unfamiliar environment, one reassuring hand always on her waist or in her own. He had stepped away once for the bathroom, but Damon was at her side almost instantly, bringing her another drink and making her laugh. Damon was something else she needed to process. Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to Ezzy about Facetiming later for some advice.

They played tag and pirates for an hour before Sophie was drenched in sweat and begging Max to go home. His boundless energy was still present as he pouted and crossed his arms before sighing out a dejected "Fine."

Sophie relished in the air conditioning of the car, slouching back as she cooled off. A short ride later, they were pulling past the gates. Mr. Dan dropped them off at the front steps and Max led the way into the house. She entered the home, finding Jace and Max talking in the entryway.

"Max and I had fun at the park." Sophie said, making her presence known. Max gave his dad a hug before heading upstairs to his room to start homework.

"Did you have 'fun' talking to Damon last night?" Jace bit back. She physically felt the bitterness in his voice. She had spent practically the whole night with him, what was the issue?

"I'm sorry, what?" Sophie laughed out.

"You were flirting with him." he said, towering over her now.

"I had one drink with him. I'd hardly call that flirting." What was wrong with him?

"Damon's coming over for dinner, so I expect you to act professionally." This seemed like a complete personality shift from the man she was used to.

Sophie threw her hands up in defense. "Okay." She swiftly darted up the stairs to take a shower and then help Max with his homework.

Sophie took her time in the shower, letting her thoughts bounce around. Grace hadn't been seen around the house since that first day, leading her to believe that what Jace had said about her was true. Anyone who actually gave a fuck would probably spend time with their fiance and soon to be step son. She thought about Damon and how of course he flirted with her the night before. Sophie let a long sigh escape her lips as she leaned against the wall. She needed to separate herself from the whole thing. She was here to watch after Max and was making a mess of it.

Sophie finally got herself back on track and finished her shower. She just wanted to be comfortable so she threw on a pair of cotton shorts and a sweatshirt. As she was putting cream in her hair, her phone went off with a Facetime call from Ezzy and she quickly pressed answer.

"Hey there!" Ezzy laughed through the phone. It looked as though she was walking down the street on her way home. "So what's happening?"

"Turns out Jace has a fiance and an older son." Sophie sighed out.

The camera angle jumped around before centering back on Ezzy's face, most likely caused by a trip. "Well. Is his son hot?" The side eye and smirk coming from her was enough to send Sophie into orbit laughing.

"Ez! This is a serious issue. My boss obviously has a thing for me after making out with me, but he's got a fiance. Not to mention his son, who yes, is fucking hot and in like, his late 20's, was staring me down all last night."

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