The Escape

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for being patient! Enjoy as always, next chapter will be out on Thursday!

Sophie woke up an unknowable time later. Her head was pounding and she was freezing, laying against a soft, plush, surface. She soon realized that her bare skin was up against a cozy comforter, before she looked down at her body, a sense of dread washing over her. Someone had put her in a white tank crop top and pink, plaid mini skirt. Taking in her surroundings, her heart rate accelerated. She had been kidnapped. Max. Holy shit, Max. She realized she was in a bedroom. Her immediate reaction was to bolt towards the door and try and yank it open. Unsurprisingly, it was locked. She began poking around the room, looking for anything she could pry the lock open with.

The lock on the door turned and Sophie jumped as far away from it as she could. The same man from her last memory opened the door and she willed her body to melt into the wall and get as far away from him as she could.

"Too bad Jace doesn't get to see you like this."

"Where's Max and why am I dressed like a Barbie doll?" Sophie snapped. Whoever and whatever this was, she was not going to make it easy on them.

"Max is fine. It's you who should be worried." He leaned against the doorway with crossed arms, observing her. "We're auctioning you off tonight."

His gaze wandered over her as he made his way out of the room just as abruptly as he had entered. She felt her heart rate decelerate slowly as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Okay. Step one, find Max. Step two, somehow escape." She pulled uncomfortably at her skirt. "Easy right?"

She surveyed her room. There was a window hidden behind a curtain on the wall opposite the door. Heavy duty locks decorated the opening and she sighed. She couldn't go out just to try and get back in, anyways. There were no other doors, either. Her stomach growled in hunger and an idea hit her.

Composing herself, Sophie began pounding on the door. "Hello? HELLO! I have to use the bathroom!"

She jumped back from the door as she heard heavy footsteps move down the hall towards her. The door swung open and a different man stood in front of her. "Why are you yelling like a mad woman?"

Sophie dug her toe into the ground and sighed. "I have to use the bathroom." The man groaned and rolled his eyes. "I don't know where it is. Do you think you can help me find it?" She bit her lip and looked up at the man through her lashes.

His pupils dilated and he began stuttering. "Y-yeah, quickly though, I have to be somewhere soon."

"Thanks!" Sophie said overly cheerfully, smiling widely at the man.

He roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hallway, taking a left and then right and then stopping shortly, causing her to trip. Her hands landed on the mans hips and her body collided with his back. He turned around quickly and she took advantage of the closeness. With a quick glance down, she spied a silver key chain peaking out the top of his pocket. Letting her hand slip down his waist a little bit, she used her pinky finger to hook onto the key chain and slowly pick the keys out of his pocket, using his shock as cover for her movement. Once Sophie's escort stood her upright, she held the keys tightly, taking care to make sure they didn't jingle in her grasp.

She quickly held her hands behind her back as the man spoke again. "Make sure you go back to your room after. Or else..." The threat hung on his words but this was the only chance she had. If she got caught, they'd just throw her back in the room.

"Thank you!" Sophie sing-songed as the man turned his back and took his leave. She rolled her eyes at his retreating form and as soon as he turned a corner, she sighed heavily, letting her body relax. "Idiot."

Sophie wandered through the hallways, her senses on edge as she listened for the smallest of noises and watched every shadow. Her mind was going haywire. Ezzy. She knew that not calling Ezzy back last night was going to make her best friend panic. She hadn't talked to her mom in a few days either and knew she'd missed a couple calls from her as well. They'd be wondering where she was. Jace was probably looking for them at this exact moment, panicked that his son was missing again.

The sound of a door opening caught her attention and she froze in her spot, moving slowly to peak around the corner. She caught a glimpse of metal bars through the closing door and knew Max had to be in there. After the guard disappeared, she ground her teeth together and rushed towards the door. She started going through the key chain, shoving each key against the lock one by one as she looked over her shoulder occasionally. Once one finally slid in, she opened the door slowly as to not draw attention.

After ensuring there were no guards on the other side, Sophie began to move down the row of holding cells.

"Sophie, is that you?" a small voice reached her ears. Relief washed over her as tears threatened to form.

"Max!" Sophie had to work extra hard to make sure she wasn't too loud, but the excitement running through her right now was overwhelming. "Okay, uh," She looked up for a cell number, "B7." Examining each key one by one, she looked for the matching letter and number. Tightness filled her chest as she reached the last few keys, finally finding B7 taped onto a key. Quickly, Sophie unlocked the door and Max burst through, throwing his arms around Sophie's abdomen. "We're getting out of here."

"Best nanny ever." Max gripped onto her tightly and she pulled him back a bit to give him a once over. No visible cuts or bruises and he seemed to be moving normally.

Grabbing his hand, they made their way back through the hallways, doing her best to find an exit despite not knowing where they were at all. The hallway finally opened into the foyer area and Sophie felt her body relax.

"You're not going anywhere." The sharp voice sent tension through Sophie's body once again and she swiveled her body towards the voice.

"Grace?" Sophie breathed out in disbelief.

"I don't care that my fiance has a thing for you. But I do care that you're making me look bad." Grace reached to her hip and pulled out a pistol. "Now I have to get rid of both of you. Should've stayed in your rooms."

"Max, run!" Sophie shoved the boy back down the hallway in search of another exit far away from the psychopath in front of them.

"Get back here!" Grace screamed at the duo right before the first shot echoed through the house.

Sophie and Max sprinted at full speed around corners, eventually coming to a dead end. Taking a look around, Sophie picked up a bust statue and hurled it through the window, the sound more than likely to draw attention to them. She then yanked the curtain down and threw it through the window to keep them from getting scratched by the broken glass. She gave Max a boost through the window and then followed right behind him.

"Sophie, where do we go now?" Max asked breathlessly.

Looking down at the keys, she noticed one that looked more like a car key. Grabbing Max's hand again, they began to run around the edge of the house to find the driveway. They crouched behind the bushes once making it to the front of the house and warily moved towards the cars. She looked for the brand of car marked on the key and once finding the same brand, she pushed the key into the lock and let out a squeal of excitement when it opened. She quickly slid in and leaned into the back seat to open the door for Max.

Max jumped in a quickly slammed the door behind himself.

"Start the car! Hurry, she's coming!" Max panicked in the back seat.

Sophie turned the car on and shifted gears, yanking the wheel for a harsh turn off the driveway and running through hedges to escape the property. "Let's go home." Sophie breathed out, finally letting all of the stress out of her body. She was almost just fucking trafficked, but she and Max escaped by the skin of their teeth. That was the important part. They were actually going home.

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