The Runaways

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A/N: I wanted to have this out last night but I fell asleep with my laptop in my lap. Whoops. Enjoy!

Sophie and Max made the drive in silence the whole way, but Sophie had to drive with one hand as Max refused to let go of her. She flew down the highway, concentrating solely on the road and getting home as fast as possible.

She focused on her breathing. Ten seconds of deep breath, ten seconds of exhale. Reality was hitting her hard, she had almost been trafficked. Max. What would have happened to Max?

Finally climbing the hill to their home, Sophie felt her body relax. Grace would come after them without at doubt. They had to figure out what they were going to do next.

Sophie stopped the car right in front of the house and the pair ran into the house. As soon as the doors crashed open, Jace came running down the hall and pulled the two into his arms. Sophie's body froze as Jace squeezed her and as the seconds passed, her body relaxed and the emotions started flowing. She started to tremble, her muscles tensing up all over again as she gripped tightly to the pair in relief.

"It was Grace." Sophie breathed out, head hanging down as they stepped away from each other.

"She tried to kill you and Max?" Sophie nodded as she shifted her weight around. "The engagement is off!" A laugh almost escaped Sophie. That much should go without saying.

"Okay, so what's the plan now?" Sophie questioned.

"I'm sending you and Max away. I'm not gonna let her hurt you." Jace sighed out.

Shaking her head, Sophie exclaimed, "No, I don't want to leave."

"This isn't a game, Sophie. There's no doubt she has some very bad people coming for us." he argued, shoulders rolling back as he straightened up.

"I don't care, I'm not leaving!" Sophie hissed. She felt like a child who wasn't being listened too. She was old enough to make decisions for herself and the first thing she wanted to do was call Ezzy and let everything out.

"Well that's too bad because Damon's on his way to pick you guys up." came Jace's short reply.

Max came jogging into the hallway we had made our way down. "Daddy, why do the people outside have guns?"

"You guys have to go now! Meet Damon by the garage."

Sophie felt frozen for a moment. In the background, the sounds of more engines pulling up and loud yelling caused her to break out into a cold sweat before grabbing Max by the hand and taking one last look at Jace. He looked broken, pain etched into his features as he watched her turn and run.

"Come on, Max." She dragged them down the hallway and then upstairs so they could each grab a bag of clothes. She stood guard as Max packed a few basics and with little hesitation, he grabbed a picture of him and his father off of his desk before placing it gently on top of the bag. They headed next door so Sophie could pack her bag as well, making sure to grab her phone and charger from where she had left them the night before.

Loud yells sounded from the hallway, and making a split second decision, Sophie threw open the window and grabbed the edge before throwing a leg out the window and slidding down the wall. Max followed quickly and they ducked behind a bush as two men stuck their head out of the window. Sophie's heart felt like it was going to explode. Her legs felt weak from the adrenaline but she took a quick look around before they ran to the back of the garage. With a peak through the door's window, Sophie opened the door to find Damon leaning on one of the cars.

"You two ready to go?" he asked, taking the bags from the pair and tossing them in the trunk.

"I want my dad." Max whispered out, his shoulders slouched over as they began to shake with tears.

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