Suicidal Thoughts

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Rivers pov

I woke up to my music still playing it was on Teenage Mind. my headache was gone finally all that kept racing through my head was the world would be better of with out me but i snapped back into reality. I had been kidnapped and my "mother" was killed right infront of me. I started having a panic attack i looked for something i dont know what i thought i would find ut i found a razor blade, and before i knew it i was bleeding thre was blood dripping down my arms and i blacked out.I herd a voice call my name saying jt wasnt my time to come back and then i felt it all the pain and fear came rushing in i opened m,y eyes and started bawling i looked to my right i saw a man he was tieing off my cuts with his shirt and i looked to my right and i saw her, it was her the one my mom told me about it was my actual mom but i wasnt sure all i know was i was scared so i tried to get up and run but they man and woman held me down at this point i felt like i was going to pass out from allthe fear. " Hey, hey... sweetie calm down im with the fbi my names" the brunette tried to say. "Emily prentiss" i finished." How did you know" she asked confused. " i... im.. you know what it dosent matter" i said as i sat up i felt like i was going to pass out but the brunette pulled me in and i collapsed onto her and broke down i was crying so much my faced turned blood red fron the embarrasment. " hey listen i know your scared and thats ok its ok to cry kid i know you dont wanna cry but sometimes its better to cry then to bottle it up inside" the brunette said. " I hate crying its just im not scared i mean i feel like ive walked throuh hell this past week." i say fighting a tsunami of tears i guess she noticed cause she hugged me tighter. i herd someone yelling and hugged her tighter. " WE NEED A MEDIC IN HERE" the guy said makeing sure my arms stopped bleeding.
Emily rode with the girl in the ambulance to the hospital.....

" hi im nurse harris imgonna hook you up to some pain meds as long with fluids the dr will be in here in a few to sew up your arms, your very lucky that these agents found you in time." she said while looking at the two fbi agents who saved my life.
A little while later the dr finally came in

" Hi im dr. bailey this is my students, im just gonna go get the plastics sergeon so you wont have that notiveable of a scar if you need anything ask these people ill be right back". said dr.bailey. before i knew it there was two more doctors in the room. " so this is our pediactric specialist arizona robbins and Alex karev and our plastics specialist mark slaon and jackson avery, were gonna take good care of you dr. robbins is gonna be you dr from now opn and karev is her intern sloan is just gonna be here to sew you up and his intern avery id gonns check on your wounds every hour or so is that ok with you?" the dr asks.  i look over at the brunette fbu agent in the corner of the room she gives me a slight nod to let me know that it was ok "yea i guess but can they stay or alteast her?" i asked. " if its ok with them" dr.arizona robbins said. " we actually have orders to.." he was cut off by emily. " he mean yes" she said witha slight laugh wich made everyone giggle a little. " try to get some rest after they sew you up ok will come to check on you" said one of the interns.
after the peds doctors left the plastic guys sewed me up and left but the whole time i git flash backs of everything that was happening and all that raced through my brain wa its  my fualt but my thinking  was cut off by a sweet voice. " Hey you ok kiddo" asked the guy agent. " yea i uh i know her name but whats yours?" i asked changing the subject. "dr. spencer reid" said the young doctor. " what type of cool stuff do you guys do?" i asked hiding the fact that i was in pain. "where with the behavioral analysis unit with the fbi bau for short, we chace down the bad guys with mental problems like ocd did and other stuff like that" said the brunette smiling. " thats cool my um bio mom works for the fbi i want to be like her my mom said she was tough and she hated giving me up to protect me from the bad guys" i said. i noticed her smile dropped as i said that. " kid you should get some rest" she said with a serious voice. " im scared" i said with tears in my eyes. " hey hey its ok well be here ok were not gonna leave you" said the older woman. i shook my head ok and before i knew it i was asleep

Emily Prentiss  secret daughterWhere stories live. Discover now