Ciel x Reader; Nightmares

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I know i suck at updating but its been hectic at meh house! I FOUND OUT IM GREEK! MY GRANDPA IS GREEEEK! Yes very exciting but pa-Lease!  send in request!!! I NEEED DEM! Thank you!! -Mochi-Chan

(y/n P.O.V)

It was a very calm night. I was tiding up around the mansion, making sure everything was in place and everything was perfect for my young master, Ciel... I must admit...Ever since I started working for him I had noticed that he was a stoic boy...But a very handsome one at most. But he was engaged to Miss Elizabeth which of course meant that he couldn't love a lowly maid...but he always seemed focused on me, he even stood up for me when Alois called me out on a mistake. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see Sebastian standing right beside me while I was fixing up the kitchen. "Lady (Y/N), The young master wishes your presence in his sleeping chambers." He said, finally snapping me out of my train of thought. "Ah, I will be there right away Sebastian..." I said to the black haired demon as he walked away. I prepared some tea and went upstairs. I got to my lord's door and knocked 3 times before I heard a faint 'Come in' From the other side. As I walked in I noticed he was sitting up shaking, hair in front of his face, no shirt, and sweating. "M-My lord!" I said, rushing to his side. I kneeled down beside the bed waiting for commands to get out of his room. "My lord...What's troubling you...?" I asked cautiously. No response...I tried again but to no avail I got no answer. I decided to take a risk...I slowly moved his bangs away from his face and cupped his left cheek that was tear stained. I moved his face to look at me. "Master...You can talk to me...I'll be here to listen... I promise..." I gave the best calming smile I could. he looked me in the eyes and more tears fell. I could feel my heart break from the scene in front of me. I climbed up onto his bed and brought him into my lap rocking him back and forth shushing him while he silently cried. As I hummed a little lullaby he started to calm down. 
I got an idea. I thought about when i had nightmares my mother would tell an old story about an angel boy and a girl from hell that fell in love. "My lo-"   "Call me Ciel...Only when we are alone please...I cannot stand when you use that formal name calling with me..." he interrupted. I nodded. "You know...Ciel.....There is a story my mother told me whenever I had a bad dream." I said and he adjusted his seating on my lap. He now faced me and I could see both of his eyes. They seemed to hold interest in them..."G-Go on" He said, leaning his head below my shoulder. As I slowly rocked him I started remembering the story and how it went. 

"His bright blue eyes and turquoise hair shined as he flew down to the border where hell and heaven meet. Everyday he went and the same girl he had known since they were both 7 would always meet him there. She had long black hair, and beautiful shining black feathered wings. Some say she had tainted angels wings that were stained with Hells hate. She had 1 blue eye and the other was red. The way she was, could be seen and described as a fallen angel. She was not like the others from Hell. She was kind but fierce, like a warrior. She had always stood up for him but never herself. Today as he flew he held a crystal rose in one hand close to his heart and as he flew he heard the most beautiful singing in the world. And-" I looked down to see Ciel fast asleep..."Guess you will have to hear the rest some other time my dearest Ciel..." I laid him down and tucked him in, kissing his forehead and left quietly. "That story was the one mom used to tell..." I heard Sebastian say. "Yeah..." I said smiling. I walked to my room and laid down letting my consciousness slowly slip away and I fell into a world of dreams.

I hope you all enjoyed this!! Just remember to start sending in some request!!! Thanks! Mochi-chan

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