Chapter 6

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I'm silently cursing myself for the reaction I had to Shawn earlier as I drive home.  I mean, like I said, I've always found him extremely attractive and at one point before he started fooling around I thought we could be something.  Damnit Camila! I growl to myself.  Stop thinking about him, but he did look sexy in his tight shorts and disheveled hair under his hat. Stop Camila!! Ugh!

I pull up to the gate of the neighborhood and enter the code. I notice a car pull up behind me. Of course it's Shawn in his new Tesla. We do live in the same neighborhood just a few streets apart. 

As I drive though the gate, he follows close behind so he can make the gate too. He's following behind me and when I turn into my driveway he parks on the street in front of my mansion.

What is going on?!

I get out of my Range Rover and walk towards his Tesla. He gets out and meets me half way up my driveway.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously.  I decide to keep my venom at bay for now.  Besides, he looks like someone just stepped on his tail.

"I came to apologize.  If you hadn't run away from me at the track, I would have just done it there, but seeing as I fucked up yet I am." He shrugs and looks down at his feet.

"Did your dad or Aaliyah put you up to this?"

"No...well not exactly." He sighs and then continues.  "My dad found out about my shenanigans after the race in Dayton and let's just say he wasn't pleased.  On top of that, he found out I met you on the bleachers today and he snapped because he thinks I'm up to no good when it comes to you." He says now looking at me.

"What do you mean you're up to no good when it comes to me?" I'm genuinely curious and also a little anxious as I await his answer.

"Camila, you scare the shit out of me.  I've tried hitting on you, my friends have tried asking you out and you turn every last one of them down.  Liyah told my dad that she thinks I have feelings for you and now he's gone crazy because he knows how much I idolize your dad, and he thinks I'm using you to get to him."

I swallow. Hard. Wait what?!

"Do you? Do you have feelings for me?  Are you trying to weasel your way into my life to get close to my dad?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.  I'm in defense mode now because I'm not quite sure how to handle what's about to happen next.

Letting out a long breath and running his fingers through his hair he looks away.  "Camila, I don't know how I feel about you.  I know that I screwed up with you before you left for college and I've royally fucked up since then.  I know you don't like me, and you have every reason to.  What I do know is that every time I see you, you drive me crazy!" 

He turns back to look at me square in the eye and suddenly I'm glad I still have my sunglasses on. 

"And no!  No way am I "using" (he air quotes) you to get to Mario.  I may be a man whore but I'm not a manipulator and I would never do that to you.  You're much too smart and I was raised better than that which is why my dad's assumptions hurt a little." He trails off.

He takes a couple steps closer to me and now that we're only feet apart, my heart speeds up and I start to sweat.  I can feel the heat radiating off his body and I'm biting back the part of me that wants to run my hands down his washboard abs that are now visible thanks to his sweat soaked white T-shirt.  God girl, for someone who hates this man, you sure have a lot to say....I mentally slap myself.  Rolling my eyes, I start to give him an answer.

"I guess I'm sorry I drive you crazy Shawn, but it's going to take a lot more than an apology that's way overdue for us to even be "friends" (now it's my turn to air quote), and as far as whether or not I believe you when it comes to my dad...I actually do.  You've had plenty of chances to get to me so you could be close with him and you've never taken any of them." I state plainly picking at my long pony tail.  I can't believe what's coming out of my mouth, but I was a little harsh on him at the track and I do kind of feel bad.

Just as Shawn is about to say something else, James pulls into driveway.  Quickly getting out of the car, he comes to my side and stares at Shawn.

"Can I help you Mendes?" He quips.

"No James, I was actually just leaving." Shawn says looking defeated and with that he walks back down towards his Tesla, but not before turning to look at me one last time.  He gets in his car and drives off.

James turns to me "What was that all about?" He questions.

Turning him to walk into the house I shrug my shoulders "I have no idea."

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