Chapter 53

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It's been three days since I've heard anything from Camila or even seen her.  I know my sister went to see her and that they are both still extremely pissed at me, but I've been trying and trying to get Camila to just talk to me and nothing is working. I've called Mario a couple times and he just says she's hurting but he'll tell her to call. My parents are even upset with me and my dad is disappointed in me for letting my idolization of Mario Cabello get the best of me.

I'm sitting in my simulator chair, hands gripping my steering wheel; the headlines from all the major tabloids running through my mind as I wallow at the demise of my relationship, when a thunderous loud knock scares me right out of my chair.

"Mendes! Open the door! NOW!" A voice screams through the soundproofing.

Fuck.  It's James.  It was only a matter of time before he showed up.

Hobbling to my door, I open it just a crack, but James pushes his way in. He looks like a raging bull and I don't blame him. He warned me that if I ever hurt her, he'd come for me. I guess he's come to exact his revenge.

"Are you really that stupid Mendes?! Monaco, without Camila?" He shouts; pacing across my floor. His hard footsteps rattling my numerous trophies and awards as he continues to stew right in front of me.

"I...I wasn't even thinking, I just said yes man. Come on! Surely you can understand that!" I say, realizing I've just put my foot in my mouth yet again.

"No Shawn! I can't. I can't imagine lying to the girl I love and keeping something like this from her for two weeks!" He shouts again.  "No wonder she's upset; and she's going to be even more upset when she hears what I'm about to tell you, if she doesn't know already!" He says quieter as he throws his arms up in the air; continuing to pace.

"Tell me what James." I say timidly.  The pit in my stomach falling to my knees as I find the edge of my bed.  I have a feeling this is not good.

"My dad played you Shawn.  Monaco was a test.  He never trusted you with my sister and he felt the best way to prove he was right was to test you to prove that you would choose racing over Camila." He states plainly; anger in his eyes as I feel them burning holes in my skull.

"James...I...." I sigh, my heart in my hands.  I can't believe it.  I'm in shock.  He made it seem like it was going to be the best thing for Camila and I if I took this next step in my recovery. That she would support me in this decision and it was an offer I simply couldn't refuse.

"You what Shawn?  Had no idea?  Thought my idol of a father would ever think you would be good enough for his daughter?"

"Pfff" he scoffs, letting out a wicked laugh. 

"You know he hates you right?!  All his shows of welcoming you into the family; they were all fake.  Camila has been so strong and independent for so long that someone like you threatening that and making her 'soft' had to be dealt with." He continues.  "He still holds a grudge over your head for hurting her the first time.  This was the perfect opportunity to get what he wanted and you fell right into his trap." He sighs, stopping his pacing momentarily. "I heard a phone call Shawn. The one he made before he called you. He's been planning this for weeks...since you got out of rehab." His honesty shocks me even more and the thought that Mario could ever do such a thing to me, let alone Camila, shakes me to my core.

"I'm such a dumbass!" I groan as I hang my head. I feel like a dog that's just been beat by it's owner.  Nothing makes sense anymore.  How did I not see this?!  I love Camila.  More than anything.  She's changed me for the better and I don't want a life without her..

So.  Fucking.  Stupid!  I think to myself as a mini pity party ignites in my brain.

"You know... she's told me about all your 'Come to Jesus' moments and I actually really like you Shawn, and I was rooting for you; I've never seen my sister happier than when she was with you.  But, now... Now I don't know..." he sighs.  "Don't get me wrong, I've made the same mistake, a powerhouse like my father is not one to be messed with; but... he'll destroy everything good if you let him, and it seems as though he's doing that to you."

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