The Steel Ball Run Race

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It's usually an odd day when your twin brother almost rolls over your foot and then asks if you want to watch the Steel Ball Run race start. I mean, a historical race is about to happen after all. Of course, you accepted excitedly not wanting to stay home alone today. Who knows what could happen at an event like this? Maybe you can make some friends in the time you will be there. Or maybe even meet some worldwide famous jockeys. Speaking of, you and your brother's names have made it into the papers quite the amount of times. That was before the incident, of course. 

Once you two made it to the San Diego beach, you were met with quite the crowd. This gave you a little bit of anxiety, thinking back to around 10 years ago when-

"Hey, what's going on over there?" 

As you snap out of your thoughts, a group of people, including Johnny, start to form around two men. You try to get closer and get a better look, but your height said otherwise. You gave up when you heard a gun go off, and turn to trying to find Johnny. He couldn't be that hard to find, he was in a wheelchair after all. So, you start looking for a person that was near half of your height, which involves looking slightly lower, but just low enough to not be able to see in front of you, which can cause trouble, something that you don't want. 

When you finally get to see past the crowd, you spot Johnny hanging from a roof and a man riding his horse away from him. 

"Wh- how did he get there of all places?!" You think out loud.

He then looses his grip and falls off. You wince at the situation, and then rush to help.

"Johnny," You spoke. "How the hell did you get up there?"

"Nothing important to you, all you need to know is that I'm joining the race." He quickly replies.

"Wh-what?!" You almost scream. "In that physical state? How are you going to get on the horse?"

"Stop asking questions. It's almost annoying." He says. "Also, don't follow me into this, you could possibly get hurt."

He leaves you to ponder if you should join or not. He is right after all, it is possible for you to get hurt if you join. But he's gonna get hurt, too. 

You go and get your horse, Catallena, and also $2,000, a little extra of what's needed just in case. 

(Catallena is an Orange Caramel song, and it's a good one, too.)

"When the $1,200 entry fee is paid, there will be no refunds due to personal reasons." You drown out most of what he was saying and sign the paper and your player identification card and badge. After you set your horse up somewhere else (idk) you decide to head to your tent, where you would be staying in for 2 days before the race. 

Upon inspection, you decide that it's best to go through your stuff a while before the race starts, just in case.

Time skip to like 6:30 on the day the race starts. 

Let's be honest, you were a nervous wreck. Even though the race starts in 3 and a half hours, you couldn't seem to calm down. 

Breathe, dumbass, your body needs oxygen.

Upon noticing that you were holding in a deep breath, you exhale, still trying to calm down. Deciding to lay down for a bit, you close your eyes and try to imagine happy things. Things like winning $50,000,000 at the end of this race, or things like ice cream and red velvet cake (PUN INTENDED. BOTH OF THEM)

Just be natural (SORRY SORRY) (Y/N). Not much could happen other than a few injuries and scratches here and there.

You start to hum your favorite song to try and calm down. Your body threatened to fall back asleep, but some noise started outside. You poked your head outside of your tent and saw two men talking and laughing and another man who had long hair. The mood suddenly changed when they saw the person they were laughing about hit the fence. You couldn't get a clear look at them due to the dust, but it looked like they couldn't walk, so you just assumed it was Johnny, the one person you were trying to hide from. 

"Great." You say under your breath. "Just great." 

From the looks of it, Johnny hasn't officially joined the race yet, so if he gives up you would have a better time trying to avoid him. 

"If you try to stop him from getting on the horse, he threatens to set himself on fire and commit suicide." You overhear

What? WHAT? W H A T ? 

Your anxiety is starting to grow more and more (PUN INTENDED) by the second. 


You wanted to at least try and stop him, but for right now you need to stay clear of him. You look at your clock. 7:30. It would be a great time to start to head to the beach... but how?

Time skip to 9:30 at the beach in your spot thingie. 

Okay, so, good news: you were able to successfully make it to the beach without being noticed by Johnny. Bad news: your spot was right next to Diego Brando, the British Genius Jockey. And also a huge asshole. A huge flirty asshole. You got to your spot a few minutes before him, but you didn't know what was coming, so at the time you didn't mind. You looked at all the familiar and unfamiliar faces around you. Mountain Tim, Urmd Avdol, Dot Han. You were very surprised to not see Diego Brando anywhere. But, you were very relieved to not see him. That was, until you looked to your left. Of course, you were startled, but you were mostly disappointed. I mean, you had it coming, who else were you expecting? Jeez, go back to school if you didn't think he would miss the chance to snag $50,000,000 and also compete in a cross-country race. 

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Speaking of the bastard himself.

You stayed silent, he wasn't someone you wanted to deal with right now, or at all in general. 

"Ooh... giving the silent treatment, huh?" He teased.

"Diego, you know you're someone most people don't want to deal with, right?"

"Hm.." He looks away for a second. "That's kinda mean" He frowns at you.

You look back at him in disbelief. Is this the "Hot Genius Jockey" everyone calls him? Your expression is annoyed as you turn towards the front of the crowd. 


You prepared yourself, physically and mentally, for the race ahead of you.  You sigh in an attempt to lower your anxiety and stay calm. The feeling of adrenaline floated in the air, almost killing you. You drown out all the noise around you and close your eyes to focus on your heart beating and your lungs breathing. You start paying attention at just the right time to hear the announcer.


FINALLY DONE! Not much happens here, sorry, but this is just the beginning. Also it was a little rushed at the end so the writing isn't good at the end, if it was even good at all. 


- Svizen 

Video: Orange Caramel Ultimate Hah! Compilation By: thatsideofutube 2

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