The First Stage

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The sound of hooves beating on the sand mixed with the screams and cheers of the audience. Your brain basically trained itself to drown out stuff you don't care about. That's how you ended up in a situation like this. Basically, you are trying to avoid Johnny, right? So, that also includes not being very high on the leaderboard, right? You can't really do that when you're right next to Diego Brando, so you decide to slow down for a few seconds. You look behind you to check if anything might go wrong, just in case. Turns out you can't slow down because that will probably cause some trouble, something that is not needed. Your options are:

1. Stick with Brando for a while and possibly get caught by Johnny


2. Slow down, possibly cause a crash, and definitely get caught by Johnny

Well, the less risky option is the only option. 

Ok so Wattpad was being a little annoying and not loading on my computer and I'm too lazy to log in on my phone so I wrote this on ZenWriter i highly reccomend it.

I forgot what the heck was happening lemme remember rq

Ah yes that's right


Well, the less risky option is the only option.

Guess you're gonna have to stick with Brando for a while.

You try to keep up with his pace, even if he's way better than you at this. But, he ended up going a little faster than you had planned.

This wasn't the plan, Diego

You glanced at his face for a second. All it said was this:

'I know what you're hiding, Joestar.'

His expression was all you needed. He was going to try and expose you. This is it. You're gonna be dead if you don't slow down and stay away from him.

Dammit... you're making this difficult, you bucket of water that has been left out in the summer heat.

You glanced back at him. His facial expression changed. He saw your panicked face, and he wore a face of amusement for that reason. You faced forward once more, and you almost heard him smirk as he slowly came close to the one identified as Gyro Zeppeli. You, of course, decide to stay in the same place.


Wow, cool, yay, the 'amazing' Diego Brando is catching up to the one and only Gyro Zeppeli. How interesting. God, it seems like people run out of ideas so quickly.

At this point, you were drowning out all the noise possible to try and focus on what the hell was happening around you. You decide to take a small look around you. Thousands of people riding horses, used to be camels and even running. It wasn't until now that you acknowledged the situation in front of you. The bridge was broken, but you had a solution for that. Thanks to your 'magical ability' to pick the perfect horses, your horse, Catallena, had a marvelous jumping power that allowed her to go higher than the average horse.

Your horse was ready to jump, but were you ready for the experience?

Not really, but the problem was getting closer and closer, so you should probably get ready...

The hole was getting closer and closer, and your excitement grew along with your anxiety.

You finally got a closer look at the mess and saw Diego stuck in it, and Johnny was not far in front of you.

This... this is bad... really bad...

You take a deep breath and evaluate the issue.

This is both good and bad, right? Bad because if we go too fast, we will be in line with Johnny. Good because, well, Diego Brando is stuck in a bridge. And this, of course, gave you a huge advantage. Just slow down a little and...

Catallena jumped with all her might and landed about 5 feet (I'm American take that rest of the world) in front of him.

You gasped, that was certainly something.


Thank god one of your good friends let you use her name. That was covered, all you hoped was that Johnny didn't turn around or something, but even if he did, would he be able to recognize you from that distance? You hoped not. He was not someone you need to make another problem in this already massive problem.

"Hey, love." You hear a very familiar voice from next to you.

"Stop sugaring your voice, Dio."

"Ooh, why would I do that?" He said in a even more sugar-coated voice.

You look at him, and you're met with a shit-eating smirk.

"Are you ready to lose this round to me, Dio?" He cockily says.

"...Cocky bastard..." You muttered.

"What was that? I can't hear you over the cheering of my name."

You ignore him and continue on with the race.

"WHAT'S THIS?!" Oh god, it's that announcer aga- "GYRO ZEPPELI IS GOING INTO THE FOREST!"

You look towards the front of the group, and sure enough, he indeed was going into the forest.


Oh great. Another decision making session. This is bad because not only am I terrible at making decisions, when I do make the decision it's usually tHE WRONG FUCKING DECISION. 

You sigh. At this point it might just be better to follow behind Diego until the end of this round. He always seems to make the right choices. That's gotta be why he's considered a 'Genius', right? 

"Something wrong, darling?" 

"Stop with the names."

"Well then, something wrong, (Y/N)?"

You glare at Diego. Is he a mind reader or are you just subconsciously making these things obvious? Whatever it was, it was getting annoying.

"No." You answered stiffly.

He scoffs. He very obviously knows that something's up.

Turns out he was gonna head into the forest, so you closely follow. 

"You're following me." He says.

"Wow. Such discoveries like this one is definitely why they call you a fucking 'Genius'." You said in a tone he didn't enjoy. "I never thought that the human brain could exceed to such thoughts."

"You really enjoy being sarcastic, huh?"

"I relish being sarcastic." You say in the rythym of 'That would be enough'.

4 chapters made short: you guys made it through the forest safely, you stayed away from Johnny and managed to snag 7th place, just behind Johnny. But, of course, you continued the race without him noticing you. Also, YOU GOT 25 POINTS! YAS QUEEN, GO AND SLAY SOME HOES.

Ahem. Back to the story.

Ah, yes. You are currently in a terrible situation. Your horse, Catallena herself, is not far from exhaustion, and that terrified you. Not only that, but the 2nd round starts in about 15 minutes. 

"Your horse looks tired." 

"Yeah, thanks for the report, detective." 

You decided to stick with Dio until you either tell Johnny or he figures it out himself and confronts you about it. So, for now, you might have to be careful with what you say.

Wow this was interesting I got lazy right in the middle of it and almost stopped thinking


Diego Brando x Reader i guessWhere stories live. Discover now