The second stage

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Alright... you're gonna have to work this one out smartly, which is something that you're not the best at. Let's say you're... average at this. So, you use your average brain to try and figure out a way to efficiently ride a tired horse. Not only that, but the second stage is going to start in 5 minutes. 

"Hey, I heard Gyro Zeppeli went down 20 places on the leaderboard." Diego said.

"Really?" You ask, surprised that such an amazing rider like him could have that happen to him.

"Yeah, used a weapon to 'disrupt' Sandman, I guess."


sjsjsjsjjs I'm way too lazy rn to re-write like half of the second stage rn so I'm gonna skip to the parts that are important to me now.

Both you and Dio were calmly riding through the mountains, the crisp air filling your lungs and flowing through your hair. You were at peace for the first time in a while, and you enjoyed these peaceful moments with Catallena.

Unfourtunatley, your calming ride with Diego was interrupted by something. You didn't know what it was, but you felt odd in a way. 

"Wait, Diego, we have to stop."

Both of your horses slowed to a stop and he looked at you expectantly.

"What? Why did we stop?" He asks, very clearly annoyed.

"Something doesn't feel right." You say uneasily as you get off your horse. 

"If you don't hurry up and figure it out, I'm going to leave you here." He glares at you. "We don't have that much time, you know."

"I know, I know. It's just-" Suddenly an unknown figure appears in front of you. "What the-"

Before you could say anything about it, it disappears without any trace it was even there.

"Did- Did you see that?!" You woriedly look at Diego, who was still glaring at you, but this time he looked at you like you were crazy.

"Um, no. Now get back on your horse, we have to go." He looks forward and urges his horse to go.

"But... H-hey! Wait up!" You quickly mount Catallena and tell her to go forward.

"You're telling me you didn't see it?" You ask once you catch up with Dio.

"See what, (Y/N)?"

"The- The- Thing! It was like... a ghost! It was (F/C) and it had stars all over it's body and... it didn't look human-like at all!" You explain.

"Are you sure you're not going insane?" His voice sounding like he was talking to an insane person.

"Uh.. maybe.." You looked down at your hands for a second.

You considered the thought. At first, it seemed like a thought that was as insane as Dio was saying you were, but when you thought about it again. Maybe you were going insane, and all the pressure of this race was getting to you. But instead, you concluded that it was because you haven't seen Johnny in so long. That could possibly be the reasoning, after all. It made sense, right? You're always so used to being close to him that you almost forgot what it was like to be alone like this.

"If we stop because you actually are going insane, I'm leaving you." Dio randomly says.

"Uh, thanks???"

After about 15 more minutes of riding, Dio's horse randomly starts to freak out, resulting in him falling off of his horse. 

Of course, being the average brained person you are, you also start to freak out. 

"Oh my g- Dio are you okay?!" You kind of yell but not really.

"DO I LOok-" And he passes out.

ᵘʰ ᵒʰ

"...UHHH DIO...?"

No answer.

"U-UM THIS ISN'T FUNNY PLEASE WAKE UP." You get off Catallena to go and shake him lightly.

"ₚₗₑₐₛₑ wₐₖₑ ᵤₚ??" You say as you shake him slightly h-

He grabs your wrist and opens his eyes. You flinch a little bit.

"ᵘ ʰ , ᵃ ʳ ᵉ   ʸ ᵒ ᵘ   ᵒ ᵏ ᵃ ʸ?" You squeak.

He lets go of your wrist and tries to sit up. Judging by the way he failed to do that, the answer was no.

Noticing the cuts on his cheek and head, you slowly get up to go and get a medkit, only to turn around and see two men. I mean, why would that be important? The only person you could 'trust' for now was hurt, so shouldn't you be getting something to help him? Well, those two people weren't just any two men. No, no, no. They had to be Gyro Zeppeli AND Johnny Joestar.

"Shit..." You whisper and try your best to hide-ish.

Alrighty. What to do now. 


Never mind.

"What... What are you doing here?! I told you not to follow me!" You turn your head to face an angry Johnny.

"Woah! Johnny, you know her?" Gyro says.

"W-wait a minute," You interrupt. "The only reason you found out I was here is because Dio got hurt."

"Uh, yeah? And?" Johnny asks.

"How about you do whatever you were going to do and forget that you even saw me?" You suggest. You knew this wouldldn't work. When did anything like this?

"Yeah, how about you explain why you're here."

Well, you had it coming.

"I... W-we don't have enough time for this. Just do what you're gonna do and go." You avoid the question, one of the things you're kind of good at.

"Oh, you're coming with us." Johnny says.

"Um? No? I'm not?" You protest.

"Uh? Yes? You are?" He protests back.

You frown. 

Running won't do much. Riding away won't do much either. What if you resist some more? No, no, he can just get Gyro to get you on your horse. There's really no other choice, right?

You sigh. 


You mount your horse and look at Dio one more time. 

"Let's go."

All three of you ride away from that spot.

I'm back! This one was a little short, sorry about that. I was gone for a while bc I temporarily ran out of ideas for a very long time. Also school is starting but that probably won't stop me bc of my terrible sleep schedule :D. This one was a little rushed as well so enjoy that.

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