She has what?!

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Your POV
The world was black. "You don't think I'd let you die, would you niece," a familiar voice said. "What do you want," you said. "Oh I need you to stay alive so I'm here to, how do I put this? I'm here to bring you back to life," Arachne said. Your eyes went wide with shock. "I-I'm dead," you asked. "Well you're not completely dead, you still have a little bit of your soul inside of you," she said. "So you're here to boost my power," you asked. "Well I suppose you could say that," she said. "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden," you asked. "I need you to be my eyes remember," she said. "I already told you that I am not going to be your eyes," you said. "Honey, it's going to happen whether you like it or not," she said. "How do you know," you asked. "Because I do," she said. "Okay suppose I do let you heal me. What's the catch," you asked. "Not much, only that you get to remember one person," she said. Your fists clenched. "And if I don't want to remember only one person," you asked angrily. "Then you loose all your memories," she said. "You're a whole new level of bitch," you said. "Watch your tongue brat," she said. "Take your time thinking, after all it's not my lose," she said and she disappeared. "Who should I pick," you said. You sat there for what seemed like hours. "Alright, I've decided who I'm going to remember," you said. Then Arachne appeared. "Good and you are sure you only want to remember that person," she asked. You nodded. "Very well. Write the name on the sheet of paper, then you'll wake up," she said. "What paper," you asked. Then a paper appeared in front of you. You looked at the bracelet soul gave you. "I'm sorry, but I have faith that the person I pick will lead me back to you," you whispered. You wrote the name and you woke up. You looked in your hand and saw the paper you opened it and it said 'Death The Kid'. All the memories of kid came to mind. "Oh looks like you're alive," a man with a screw in his head said. "Who-Who are you," you asked. His eyes widened a little. "I'm stein," he said. "Can you tell me what or who you remember," stein asked. You handed him the paper. "I see, would you like me to bring him here," he asked. "Yes please," you said. Then he left. You looked around and a certain object caught your eye. 'Who's soul,'you thought. The bracelet had your name and a person named souls name. Then a very big headache occurred. "(Y/N)," a familiar voice said. You looked up and saw kid. "Hi big bro," you said with a smile. "Thank goodness you're alright," kid said. "Of course I'm alright all I did was grab the kishins leg," you said. Kids eyes went wide with shock. "What-," stein cut kid off. "Can I talk to you for a second kid," stein said. "I'll be right back," kid said.
Kids POV
"What's wrong with her," I asked stein. "Well it seems like she has forgotten everyone except you kid," stein said. "You're telling me that she's got amnesia," I said. "Yeah that's pretty much whats going on," he said. "Please don't stress her memory a lot, I don't know how she'll react," he said. "Besides the amnesia is she alright," I asked. "Yup," he said. "Will she be able to leave the infirmary," I asked. "Yeah but be careful and if anything happens give me a call," he said. I nodded and went back with (y/n). "Hey it's already after school, how about we go home," I asked her. "Sure," she said but then stopped. "What's wrong," I asked her. "I don't remember where I live," she muttered. "You live with your cousin, Maka Albarn," I said. "Maka," she muttered. Then she held her head as if she were in pain. "(Y/n)! Are you alright?! Look at me," I said. She opened her eyes and she let go of her head. 'I think it's better to not make her remember anything,' I thought. "Alright then, you'll be living at my house from now on," I said. "Okay! Thanks big bro," she said with a smile. I decided she needed to get some of her stuff, so we went to Makas house. "Where are we going," she asked. "A friends house, she has some clothes she wanted to give you to help you get better," I said. "Oh wow what a nice person," she said. We got to Makas house and I knocked. "Hey guys! (Y/N)," Maka said happily. "Hey (y/n) go inside and sit down real quick please," I said. She nodded and left. "Where's soul," I asked. "Oh he went to the store," she said. "Alright. I'm sorry but from here on out you can't let (y/n) think about anyone I know this sounds weird but trust me," I said. "What's wrong with her," she asked. "Stein said that she has amnesia. When I tried to get her to remember you she held her head and was in pain," I said. Makas eyes were wide with shock. "S-She doesn't remember anyone," she asked. I shook my head and said," she remembers me only." "Oh my death! How is soul going to react,"she said panicky. "I'm going to need you to try and keep him under control," I said. "Ok so everyone is going to need to reintroduce themselves to her and no matter what don't trigger any memories," I said. "Alright I'll let the others know," she said. "Thank you Maka. I hope she gets her memories back," I said. We went inside but didn't see (y/n). "(Y/n)," I said. I saw (y/n) poke her head out of a room. Me and Maka went towards her. "What are you doing in here," I asked. "Oh ummm, this is going to sound weird but something made me come here," she said. "Oh well what do you think," I asked. "It's so familiar.......but I can't put my finger on it," she said. "Oh I'm so sorry miss, I shouldn't be snooping in other peoples houses," she told Maka. "Don't worry about it," Maka said. "I'm (y/n) (l/n)," she said. Maka let a tear slide down her cheek and said," I'm Maka Albarn." (Y/N)s eyes went wide with shock. "M-M-Maka," she whispered. Maka looked at me and I shook my head. "Yes, I'm kids friend. I hope we become friends too," she said. Another tear left her eyes. It landed on (y/n)s hand. "Y-Your not kids friend," (y/n) whispered. "What do you mean? Of course I'm kids friend," Maka said. "No! You're not! You're Maka! You sound familiar and I know I know you," she said stressed. "(Y/n) it's ok," I said. "Kid, why? Why does she sound familiar," she said. Then she put her hand to her head and winced a little. "I-I k-know you," she said. "You do," Maka said hopefully. "Yes, your Maka! Your my cousin! You live in death city and I attend the same school as you! I live with you! And I've known you since we were little kids," she said happily. "Oh (y/n)," Maka said as she hugged her. "Alright, you remember who she is. That's good. Do you still want to live here or do you want to come with me," I asked her. "I think I'll stay here big bro," she said. I smiled and said," that's good, I'll be here tomorrow to walk you to school." She came over and hugged me. "See you tomorrow big bro," she said. "Bye Maka. Bye (y/n)," I said as I left.
Souls POV
I finally finished buying the food Maka wanted me to buy. '(Y/n) I know you're still alive, please, please come back to us,' I thought. The person I love most was taken away.... I'm not sure what to do. I opened the door and said," hey Maka! I got those things you wanted!" Then I saw Maka come out of (y/n)s room. "What are you doing in (y/n)s room," I asked. Then I saw something in Makas hand. "Hey Maka what do you have in your hand," I asked. I faintly saw (y/n)s name on the object. My eyes went wide. "Where did you get that," I asked. Then Maka hugged me. "I'm sorry," she said. Then I saw the locket (y/n) had given me. "What the hell Maka?!" I said. I then tried to get it back. "Soul please understand I'm doing this for both of you," she said and ran to her room. "Maka," I said as I knocked on her door. She opened the door and said,"you can't have it back." "What the hell has gotten into you?! My girlfriend gave me that! You know how much it means to me," I said angrily. "Sit down," she said. "Why should I," I said. "Because there's something you should know...... It's about (y/n)," she said. I was shocked and I couldn't move. "She's fine, right," I asked. "Well she's alive," she said. "That's great! When can we see her," I said excitedly. "Well there's a small problem," she said. "What? what is it," I asked. "(Y/n) has amnesia," she said. "A-Alright I don't see a problem," I said nervously. "The problem is she doesn't remember anyone except me and kid," she said. My eyes went wide with shock. "You can't force her to remember nor should you try to make her remember anyone," she said. "C-Can she get her memories back," I asked. "Yes she didn't remember me but after a while she remembered," she said. "Thank god," I muttered. "You're going to have to introduce yourself and act like you've never met her," she said. "I'll try," I said. "No! You can't try! Promise me you won't make any hasty decisions," she said. "Alright, I promise,"I said. Then she took me to (y/n)s room. "Hey (y/n)," Maka said as she knocked. "Hi Maka! Who's the guy," (y/n) asked. "Oh can we come in," Maka asked. "Sure," (y/n) said. Then she let me and Maka in. "Hey Maka. I found my diary and unlike when kid tried to tell me about you earlier and I got a huge headache, when I read this nothing happens," she said. "Interesting," Maka said. The I saw (y/n) blush and whisper something in Makas ear. Then Maka read (y/n)s diary. "Yup you did know him and I promise that you'll meet him again," Maka said. "Thank you Maka," she said. "Alright. (Y/n) I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, soul," Maka said. "Hi I'm (y/n) (l/n)," she said. "Hey I'm soul," I said. Her eyes got wide "soul," she whispered. I stood up and slowly sat back down. "Yeah. Do you know me," I asked. "In my diary you're mentioned but I don't know if it's really you and on my bracelet it had your name," she said hesitantly. "Where'd you put that bracelet Maka," she asked. "Oh, um, I don't remember sorry," Maka said. "Oh.... It's alright but if you find it please give it back. I feel like someone important gave it to me," she said. I looked at Maka and she looked sad. "Alright. I will," Maka said. "Let's all go to bed its late anyways," I said. "Goodnight soul," she said. "Yeah, night (y/n)," I said as I left her room. I went to my room and tried to fall asleep. After a lot of tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep.

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