Broken inside

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Souls POV
"Daddy caught an angel," Ayame said happily. "Yeah, it seems he did," death said. "I suggest you rest (y/n), you must've wasted a lot of energy," he said. "No, I'm fine," she said. I put her down and she fell on her knees. "Your muscles are still adjusting. Please rest," he said. "I'm fine," she said. Then her wings appeared. "Nice idea, but what are you going to do after your body gets tired," he asked. Her wings disappeared. "Soul can you carry her," he asked. "What for," I asked. "Just do it," he said. I picked her up bridal style and death put a finger on her forehead then said a different word and her eye lids closed. "What-," he cut me off and said," she's asleep." "Mommy fell asleep," Ayame asked. "Yeah that means it's time to go home," I said. "Ok," she said. "Thanks lord death," I said. "You're welcome. Soul, be very careful, Ayame may have held the demon back but it will come back but weaker," he said. I held (y/n) tighter and closer to me. "Don't worry it shouldn't take over your body again," he said. "Alright," I said and I left.
"Daddy," Ayame said. "What's wrong princess," I asked. "Is mommy ok," she asked. "Of course she is," I said with a smile. "I'll be right back," I said. I went to my room and put her gently on the bed. Then I went to ayames room. "Goodnight princess," I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight daddy," she said. I closed the door to her room and went to my room. I looked at (y/n) and saw her smiling. 'Must be a nice dream,' I thought. I pulled her close to me and before I new it I fell asleep.
(Y/N)s POV
"I believe that you know I am almost done being resurrected," Arachne said.
"Yeah, but now I'm stronger and I can kick your ass," I said. She laughed. "You cannot beat me just because you are a angel of death," she said. "Well I doubt you can hold a big fight," I said. Her spiders surrounded her and a pure white light surrounded my body and I turned into my angel of death form and my wings came out. "I see," she muttered. "What cold feet," I asked. "No," she said. Then I felt strings wrap around my wrists and hold me up then strings tied my feet to the floor. So basically I was 'floating' in the middle of the air. "L-Let me go," I said as I struggled. "No dear, I can't do that, I'm going to break you first," she said. Then the kishin appeared. 'The madness,' I thought. "So I'm free to do what I like," he asked. Arachne nodded. He laughed in a crazy tone and walked towards me. "G-Get away from me," I said. "Scared are we," he asked. He held my face and I tried to struggle. "L-Let me go," I yelled. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way which do you pick," he asked. "Get away," I said terrified. "The hard way it is." He forcefully kissed me. Then he tried to put his tongue in my mouth. When I didn't let him, he pulled up my dress a little and when I yelled he took the chance. I bit on his tongue hard. "Owwww," he hissed as he backed up. He walked back towards me and started to kiss my neck. "Soul..... Please..... Help me," I said and I started crying. "I love your expression," he said. "Soul please," I kept saying. Then he slapped me. "Shut up already," he said. Then he kept hitting me and I got some cuts and bruises. "Damn you," someone yelled. I couldn't open my eyes because I was seeing blurry. "Get away from her," the voice yelled. "Ha! She's mine now, she'll stay here from now on," the kishin said. "No! She's going back with me," the voice yelled. "Soul Eater Evans, you must realize that (y/n) will not ever be safe," Arachne said. I opened my eyes and saw Arachne holding back soul. "Soul," I muttered under my breath. "Soul," I muttered. I tried again and said,"soul." Everyone looked at me. "(Y/N)," soul yelled. My vision wavered between foggy and normal. I started to cry. "Don't close your eyes," soul yelled. "Let me through," he yelled. Then a bright red light filled the room and i squinted my eyes. When the light cleared, soul was standing there with a suit and wings. Then the strings that had me fell. Everything went in slow motion. I prepared to hit the ground but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw soul looking at me with worried eyes. "Are you alright," he asked worriedly. I nodded. He looked at my arms and his eyes widened. Then I saw a bed appear and soul gently laid me on it. "I'm going to treat your wounds ok," he asked. I nodded. I red lights surrounded me and quickly vanished. "There, the only things that wouldn't go away were bruises," he said. Then I remembered what the kishin did. 'If that had continued anylonger he would've....,' then I started crying. "It's alright," he said and he hugged me. My vision was still blurry. "Your eyes..... They lost their color..... What'd he do to you," he asked angrily. He grabbed my shoulders in a tight grip and I flinched. "What did he do," he asked almost yelling. I was scared and I want him to get away. Then I started crying. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. Then my hand had lights around them so I pushed him away and he went to the floor. I got off the bed and looked around the room. Then I saw a light. 'That's the way to get out,' I thought. I ran towards the light.
*end of dream*
I was in souls room. I was still in my angel form and soul was in his whatever he was form. I ran to the living room and left the house. I kept running. 'I have to find kid,' I thought. I tried to fly but my wings wouldn't work. I tried again and I flew. Then I tried to find death mansion. When I found it, I knocked on the door and liz opened it. "(Y/N)-," I cut her off my saying," please let me in!" Liz stepped aside and let me in. I looked around in a panicky way. "What's wrong," she asked. "If soul comes tell him I'm not here," I said pleadingly. "A-Alright," she said. "Liz, who was at the door," kid asked. "It's (y/n)," she said. Then kid came down stairs. "What in the world," he asked. I looked back and forgot I was in my angel mode. "Please don't tell soul I'm here," I said pleadingly. His eyes widened. "Alright," he said. "I think we deserve an explanation," she said. "Where do I start," I said. "How about the whole wings thing," he said. I explained about me being an angel of death. "What's it like flying," she asked. "Liz, not the time," he said. "Ok. Now why are you hiding from soul," he asked. I explained everything from the dream to now. Liz hugged me. But when she did my shoulders started hurting. "Are you ok," she asked me. I looked at my shoulder and saw it had started bleeding a little and had a bruise. "Liz! Get the first aid kit," kid said. "(Y/N) sit down," he said. I sat down and liz came back and passed kid the kit. Then he started to clean the cuts. "Damn kishin. damn soul," he muttered. Then he put a bandage around my shoulders. "There," he said. "Now let me check your wings," he said. I turned around and he checked them. "Can you move them up," he asked. I nodded and put them up. "How about spread them out," he asked. I spread them out and relaxed a little. "All right let me see your back," he said. When I was going to put my wings away, the center of my back hurt. I hissed in pain and kid noticed something. "Move your wings to the left," he said. I did as he asked. "Oh my death," Liz said. "What? What's wrong," I asked panicking. "You might have a cut in the center of your back," he said. I felt like crying. 'If that's true then I won't be able to fly,' I thought. "This can heal quick but you can't use your wings or move them at all," he said. "What happens if I do use them," I asked. He stopped. "Then the cut would get worse and your wings could come off," he said. My eyes widened. "But you need to put your wings away, try and not think about the pain," he said. I quickly put my wings away and pain speed through my body. Then kid started to clean the wound. "There," he said. "Thank you big bro," I said. "Your welcome (y/n)," he said. "Here (y/n) I got you some water," Liz said. I got the water and said," thank you liz." She smiled. "Is that outfit changeable," he asked. You nodded. "Then change because your outfits in shreds," he said. I looked and saw my dress. "You can change in my room is right there," he said as he pointed to a door. "Thank you," I said as I went to his room. I closed the door and a warm light surrounded my body. Then, I was in my usual outfit. When I was about to leave the room liz came in. "Liz-," she cut me off by putting her hand over my mouth. "Shhh," she said. Then kid came in "he's gone," he said. "Who's gone," I asked after liz removed her hand. "Soul came looking for you," he said. "But he also left a certain someone here," Liz said. Then the door opened a little more and Ayame was there. " 'yame," I said happily. "Mommy," she said as she ran towards me. I hugged her and started crying. Ayame started crying too. "It's alright, it's alright I'm with you now," I said. I calmed down and looked at Ayame. "What's wrong 'yame," I asked. "D-Daddy was yelling and was looking for you and he asked me in a angry voice I-if I knew where you were," she said. I hugged her and said," don't worry. I won't let him yell at you again." After she calmed down we went to the living room. "Are you both alright," kid asked. "Yeah," I said. Then Ayame went over and hugged kid. "Uncle kid," she said. "Yes," he asked. "Will you protect me and mommy," she asked. He hugged Ayame and said," of course." "Can we live with you," she asked. " 'yame! We can't burden uncle kid," I said sternly. "Of course you can," he said. Ayame smiled. "A-Are you sure big bro," I asked. "It's no trouble, so don't worry about it," he said and smiled. He got up and carried Ayame on his back. "Let's go see which room you can have Ayame," he said. "Yay," she replied. Then I followed. 'So this is how it's going to be,' I thought.

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