Sweet moments like this should last forever

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(Y/N)s POV
I woke up and everything looked weird. I sat up and saw soul next to me, asleep. 'My wings!' I thought. "Angel of death: original-," I got cut off by someone putting their hand over my mouth. "Don't think about it," soul said. He slowly took his hand away. "Why not," I asked. "Just don't use your angel of death mode please," he said. "O-Ok," I said. "But why can't i," I asked. Then he got my hand and showed it to me. "Shit! Im a freaking ghost," I yelled. "No, no your not a ghost," he said. "Then why the hell Am I transparent," I said panicked. "That's because of the chains on your wings I guess. Your body is trying to fix itself to where it can sustain your angel mode again. So you can't use your angel mode or you could die," he said. I stopped freaking out and froze. "I-I could d-die," I asked in a soft voice. "Yeah but I wouldn't let that happen," he said. I couldn't say anything. "I'm sorry (y/n)," he said. "For what," I asked as I laid back down. He put his head on my chest and said," all this. Maybe if I was there when you got out of class you wouldn't have got chains on your wings and you wouldn't be like this." "Its ok. It's not your fault," I said as I ran my fingers though his hair. "Yeah it is. I'm your boyfriend I'm suppose to protect you," he said and he closed his eyes. "I don't blame you for any of this," I said. "Thanks," he said. I smiled. "Maka left Ayame at kids for a bit so that you could get better sooner so we don't have to worry," he said. "Ok," she said.

Souls POV
I closed my eyes for a bit. "Hey (y/n)," I said. No reply. I opened my eyes and saw (y/n) peacefully asleep. "Night," I said. Then I fell asleep too.

I woke up and (y/n) wasn't there. I sat up quickly and ran through the house. "(Y/n)," I said. When I noticed she wasn't inside the house, I went outside. Then my wings appeared and I looked everywhere. All of a sudden I saw the familiar (h/c) hair of (y/n). I landed and she turned around. "You shouldn't be outside right now. You're still healing," I said. "Yeah but I wanted to get some fresh air," she said. "I know you do but you can't," I said and then I grabbed her hands and put them between mine. "Sorry," I said. "It's ok," she said. Then I realized something. "(Y-Y/n)," I said shocked. "What," she asked. "Your body! It's not transparent," I said. She looked and said," your right!" "But your wings are still there," I said. "Oh," she said sadly. "Well they should go away soon," I said. She nodded. "Well I don't see the harm of walking outside," I said. She smiled and I held her hand. 'Well she hasn't really been outside since she got back from Arachnes dungeon,' I thought. She stopped when we got to a hill. "Look soul! The stars," she said happily. I looked and saw the stars. "They sure are pretty," I muttered. "I know right," she said. Then she sat down and said," sit with me." I sat down and she put her hand on my chest. Then she gently pushed me to my back to where I was laying down. Then she smiled and laid down too. "Soul," she said. "Yeah," I replied. "Remember when you told me about the first day we met," she said. I nodded. "We sure have come a long way," I said. "I know," she said with a smile. I held her hand and said,"remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend." She nodded and said,"yeah I was so happy!" I laughed. "Yeah I was too," I said. "Remember when Ayame first came into our lives," she said. "Yeah, I was like me and (y/n) get married and have a kid," I said. She laughed. "I love you (y/n)," I said. "I love you too soul," she said. I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She put her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair. "H-Hey S-Soul," she said nervously. "Hmm," I asked. "W-Well I was thinking," she said and her face turned red. "About," I asked. "W-Well... remember that one time and we went to see lord death and he called us the Evans family," she said. "Yeah," I said with a smirk," I also said that you weren't Evans yet." "W-Well," she said. "That reminds me," I said. I got the box from my pocket. "Here," I said as I handed her the box. She opened a box and saw a necklace. "It's so pretty," she said happily. The necklace had a (f/c) pendant. "Here let me put it on," I said. She handed me the necklace and turned around. I carefully put the necklace on her. Then she turned around and smiled. "Thank you soul," she said happily and wrapped her arms around my neck and we fell back. We laughed. "Glad you like it," I said. Then I checked the time. "Now what were you going to say," I asked. She took a breath. "Just say it fast," I said. "Iwaswonderingifitdbealrightifichangedmylastnametoevans," she said quickly. I blinked. "No clue what you just said," I said cluelessly. "I. Was. Wondering. If. It'd. Be. Alright. If. I. Changed. My. Last. Name. To. Evans," she said as her face turned red. "No," I said. "Oh.... Okay," she said sadly. "At least not until I give you something," I said. She looked at me questioningly. I got up and she sat down correctly. I extended my hand and said,"come on." She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. "You guys going to come out or not," I said. (Y/n) looked to where I was looking and the whole gang came out from hiding. "Damn! I thought we weren't seen," black star said. "You're the last person not to be seen," kid said. "Agree," everyone said. She laughed. "Okay now can I continue," I asked. They nodded and sat down. A light blush covered my face. I got on my knee and got a small box. I took a deep breath. "(Y/n) (l/n) will you do me the honors of marrying me," I asked. She smiled and started crying. She nodded and said," yes! And a thousand times yes!" I got up and she hugged me and I hugged back. "I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Evans, you may kiss," Maka said. I kissed her and everyone cheered. Then we pulled apart. "Come on guys, it's not even an official wedding," I said. "You weren't complaining," Maka said. "True," I said. "Just put the ring on her," Liz said. We laughed and I put the ring on (y/n)s finger. "I love you so much," she said. "I love you much more," I said. Then I picked her up bridal style and we all walked home. While we were walking home (y/n) fell asleep. "She must be tired," kid said. "Yeah... She is still healing," I said. "Yeah your right," he said. "Well here's my stop. See you guys tomorrow," I said. "Bye," they all said. "Oh soul! I'm staying with Tsubaki tonight," Maka said. "Alright," I said as I went into the house. I went to my room and carefully put her on the bed. She smiled and sighed contently. I smiled and took off her necklace and put it on the bed stand. She moved and put her head on my arm and scooted close to me. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," she muttered happily. I kissed her. She opened her eyes and I smiled. "Thank you Soul," she said. "For what," I asked. "Everything," she said. "You're the one that I should be thanking," I said and started running my fingers through her hair. "Whatever, I'm nothing special," she said. I looked into her eyes and said," (y/n), you are very special. You make me smile through the tuff times, your smile is perfect, your eyes shine like the stars... Shit they mirror the stars! Your hair is soft as silk and your personality is cool everything about you is perfect. Never think less," I said. She smiled and blushed a little. "I couldn't ask for anything else. I have the perfect husband, daughter, family, and friends," she said. I smiled. "And I couldn't ask for anything else either," I said. she smiled and yawned. "Let's go to bed," I said. She nodded. I wrapped both my arms around her waist and kept her close to be. "Goodnight (y/n)," I said. "Goodnight my prince," she said. And we fell asleep.

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