My best friend was already my best friend

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" omg seriously it hates me.!"

"Huh move paisley i got it.,you have to be smarter than register sweetie."

She couldn't get it open ithier I started bursting out laughing then Alexander came in the shop and I saw him go by Amber I walked over to say hi Alexander was all nervous again "What's going on guys?" I asked

" just telling him where the bathroom is!" amber answered quickly

"Alex you really don't know yet come on man!" i said jokingly he was so nervous he pretty much ran to the bathroom

" what was all that about" I asked amber said

" I don't know he's your big brother what's up with him."

" I don't know." I said I got home and told Cole to go talk to Alexander and figure out what was going on with him. Cole came back all mad. "

What happened" i said. Cole said

" he keeps saying nothing and he won't even let me in anymore like that night at dinner he wouldn't let me in I tryed to read his mind but he wouldn't let me he doesn't want me to know something and something's going on with him the only reason that he wouldn't let me in is if someone was controlling him. He's in deep trouble. He said he's going on an errand he practically pushed me out the door. I'm going to find him you stay here.."

" No im coming with you I said he's like a brother to me and you need help you can't go alone it could be dangerous."

We found him about halfway up the mountain.

"Alexander!" I yelled he was mad

" why are you guys here!".I heard a growling from behind him. A kind of strong but small black and white wear wolf with yellow eyes came flying from behind him. Cole charged at it

"leave my brother alone and stop controlling him. "

"STOP! Alex yelled don't hurt her."

Cole had ahold of the wolf

." Did you just say her ?"I said. Cole was confused too but then are questions were answered when the wolf turned into a beautiful girl with blonde hair she had a dream catcher tattoo on her wrist and a nose ring in her eyes changed to bright blue standing in front of us Alex helped her up and hugged her. Wait blonde hair nose ring tattoo that explained my best friend amber though Cole "okay can someone please explain this to me?."

The girl turned around and sure enough it was amber wait amber is a wear wolf? the first thing Amber said was "Paisley what are you doing here . ?"

"what am I doing your a wear wolf i yell!" "do you nott know about Alex.?" She said

" Yeah I know about Alex I responded and Cole ,Coles a wallflower and Alex is , i was dumbfounded i never thought about it before Alex what are you ?"

He answered: "Im not sure, all I know is this so everyone listen because I dont feel like repeating myself this amber is not amber amber is actually Janel she is a wear wolf she is my mate I think. Mate I thought that was terms only wear wolves used ? Me and Janel have the same tattoo a dream catcher I know one think now I am a wearwolf Janel is my mate...."

Janel "oh my god that's you that's actually you. Janel looked at me for a second Paisleh! Omg I missed you im sorry I ignored you it was just all this".

I ran and hugged her. The boys were just like what? Cole had to explain to Alex that Janel was my best friend before all this. "Yeah so no stealing her from me again Alex or I'll beat you with my sword". I joked.

" You have a sword? "Asked Janel with her mouth wide open she was like a little kid too i tell yah i laugh and say "yeah my mom was a half blood we have a lot to catch up on."

We all walked to me and Coles house. Janel "you've gained weight pais."

Why does everyone keep saying that? We ordered pizza and wings and talked the whole night okay so after tonight i know this my boyfriends a wallflower/supernatural and my best friends a wear wolf and I'm half blood Cole is my protecteR and Janel and Alex are mates.

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