Chapter 2

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Yuki blinked.  He didn't expect a question like that.  Had he not been listening?  He told Kakeru previously there was no girl he felt romantic feelings for, so why would he even bother asking such a stupid question?  At any rate, why did he even care?  It's not like he would know what these confused feelings are.  All Kakeru would talk about were girls in his classes, especially Komaki, and how cute she was how funny she was...he hadn't talked about any of that in awhile, and Yuki felt relieved, and a little selfish.  He was pleased he didn't mention a new girl he found cute in his class, or how nice this other girl smelled.  His heart blackened at the very thought of his words.  He resented himself for thinking like this, though.  He new it was wrong, and felt guilty for not being able to control his own feelings.  Yuki was jealous that Kakeru could talk about girls that were attractive to him so easily...or perhaps, he wished he were talking about him like that.  Yuki didn't want to face these problems head on, so he did something he'd vow to never do again, shut them away and put a lid on them.

"Hey, Prez?  You there?"

"Huh?"  Yuki snapped out of his thoughts due to the sound of Kakeru's voice.

"I was asking if there was anyone in your life."

"Oh.  No, there's no one.  No girl.  We've been over this."

"I wasn't asking about a girl."

Yuki looked at Kakeru quizzically.

"What are you...implying?"

Kakeru hoped Yuki would know what he was alluding to, and maybe he did, but was playing dumb.

"Oh, you know.  It's just weird a popular guy like you is single when you've got both boys and girls swooning over you.  We all know Takei wants a piece of you."

Kakeru chuckled at his own joke, but Yuki was still silent.

"I've just...I've never felt that way about a girl.  I've tried to, but I just couldn't.  You know this."  He repeated, avoiding the inevitable subject Kakeru was trying to go to.

"That's okay, but I still didn't ask about a girl."

Sweat began to slide down Yuki's face.  His heartbeat got faster within each second, and he couldn't even look Kakeru in the eye.  Kakeru swung his arm over Yuki's shoulder, and Yuki's face began to feel hot.

"Let me tell you a secret.  It'll be like a game, or like we're two girls at a sleepover gossiping about boys."

Yuki was in no mood to play games.  He couldn't even think straight right now, but Kakeru persisted.

"I've never been attracted to a girl either."  He admitted.

Angrily, Yuki threw his arms in the air and stood up.

"Are you making fun of me?!"  He screamed.

"What?  No!  What are you talking about Yun-Yun?"

"What am I talking about?  All I hear is you going on and on about cute girls in your class, or that girl Komaki.  She's all you talk about!  It's quite annoying, but I listen to you talk about it because I.."

He stopped himself, he was too enraged to explain himself.

"Forget it!"

Yuki started storming away, but he felt a tug on his shirt.


"Why should I?!"

"Let me explain, please."

Still angered, Yuki turned around and listened to what Kakeru had to say.

"I talk like that about Komaki to help Machi out."  He explained.

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