Why self-care is so important

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I'm doing today's update based on the previous, which was about glowing up so to further explain we'll tackle self-care today.

The first thing I want to ask is: when was the last time you did a hair mask? or a body scrub or face mask et cetera.

We sometimes count such things as obvious and normal and I understand because we see it everywhere, all the time. Self care this face mask that. So we unconsciously get tired of this so called self care without actually consistently practicing it.

Of course, this may not be the case for everyone but whatever your problem may be, don't forget to include self-care into your daily or weekly routine(if you're not already doing so) as it has multiple benefits. I'll explain more later.

First I'm going to give you a long list of self-care ideas, get ready because it's quite much but important. Remember to make time for each of them.

💋Do a nice body scrub
               Dead skin and dirt build up is real! So don't pretend it isn't, I don't know how often you want to do it but the least(for me) is once a month. Test to see, by using a finger to rub on your skin and check if you can see rolled dirt, if you see then you need a body scrub asap, if not then good job. Remember to moisturize your skin after.Note that these are usually for body not face and can be really harsh on face. Some diy body scrubs are:

~coffee and coconut oil scrub
~sugar and honey scrub
~baking soda, oatmeal and water scrub

💋Facial care
                    This is another important but thankfully popular one. Due to acne and the desire for glowy skin. Ladies and even dudes have started working on their skin. Developing a skin care routine for your skin type goes a long way.

💋Oral hygiene
                   If you couldn't't guess, I'm talking about your dental care. This is VERY important as a lady, don't underestimate it. You need your teeth and mouth to smell and look nice.

~brush at least twice a day or after every meal
~use a tongue scraper
~get some mouthwash
~whiten your teeth
~make dentist appointments
~change your toothbrush every three months
~avoid chewing sugary sweets and gum that can cause teeth decay instead try mints and sugar free gum

💋Take proper care of your natural hair
                    I know a lot of women who care more about wigs and extensions than their natural hair that grows from their head. Our natural hair is a beautiful gift from God but just because it's short and stubborn now doesn't mean it can't grow. Believe in your hair and patiently help it to grow long,full and healthy.

💋Shave off that unneeded hair
                   This is not by force but it enhances cleaniness. Won't you like to raise your arm and not be ashamed that your pubic hair is on display. If you're up for it then set a date for it and use quality shaving stick, veets and baby oil for your pits,down there and legs but if you've never done it before, no pressure just wait till you're ready. Because believe it or not, there are girls who feel intimidated by the thought of shaving.

💋Spa and pamper day
                   This is a relaxing thing to do to unwind and feel very comfortable. Soak in a tub with essential oils, bath bomb, rose petals and scented candles. Massage your face. Read a good book or listen to soothing music and have a nice time.

💋 Pedicure and manicure
                      Don't you just hate it when your toenails grow in all shapes and sizes making you look like you have man feet, lol. I'm not talking about fixing and painting  nails now. I mean actual care of your hands and feet. This is something you can do at home without having to go out

~trim your nails regularly
~wash in between your toes
~soak your feet in warm water
~use a pucime stone to scrub under your feet and get rid of the dead cells
~moisturize your feet and hands with lotion
~wear socks overnight after moisturizing feet to get soft feet in the morning
~wear comfortable shoes so you won't hurt your toes

💋Don't forget about your ears too
                     It's not new news that cotton swabs have been cancelled since they push the ear wax deeper instead of cleaning them out. Curiosity made me to look up other ways to clean the ear and I saw a dozen methods on Google but since I'm not a professional and this is quite sensitive I'll leave everyone to make their own research or consult a doctor on how to properly clean their ears

💋Perfumes, deodorant and antiperspirant
                          As a kid, you have no worries, you shower,mop your body and wear clothes and you're good to go but as a lady you're conscious of sweating,body odour and sweat stains. Some tips to help:

~shower everyday and wash your armpits well
~let your pits dry before applying roll on
~natural remedies and exfoliants are: lemon juice (helps with the smell) and baking soda (to scrub).
~applying deodorant at night makes it more effective
~shaving the hair helps too
~deodorants and antiperspirant=armpits
~perfume and body spray = clothes and safe body parts

💋Down there care
                     So I wish that information can be passed along to young girls on how to care for their privates because we all know that prevention is better than care. We don't want nobody developing any yeast infection or vaginitis. Basic tips to note:

~Don't use soap to wash down there,water is enough
~Avoid public toilets
~always rinse after peeing
~be hygienic during your time of the month
~Don't wear damp or wet underwear
~Cotton panties are more comfortable as they let air in
~Do a vaginal steam to cleanse

💋Environmental cleaniness
~arrange your room
~organize your wardrobe
~clean your house too
~take care of plants or pets
~lay your bed
~clean your bathroom
~do your laundry
~arrange your makeup or books too
~declutter your life
~organise your table
~declutter a and organize your phone

💋Your health
                 Your health is really vital, especially now that hospitals are danger zones and a virus spreading so take good care of yourself at home to avoid breaking down.
~wear warm clothes if the weather's cold, don't expose your body
~dont overwork yourself
~dont eat too much junk and sweets to avoid stomach aches
~drink natural juices and herbal teas
~don't forget to practice all the preventive measures against Corona virus 😷🤲💦


I hope I was able to cover at least 70% of self care. This chapter kind of falls under the physical aspect of personal development (that I was ranting about in the last chapter). I really put some effort into this one so please star if you liked it or it helped you.

Thanks to all my readers both old and new. You all are real gems, I'm super grateful for you.

I'll see you in another chapter . Bye!

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