Strong Woman

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Halsey was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2016 and went public with it on her Twitter account, "Finding out that I had endo was the most bittersweet moment because it meant I wasn't crazy! I wasn't a 'baby!' I had every right to be feeling like the world was caving in. But it was terrifying to find out.". Halsey accredits a miscarriage she experienced in 2015 to her endometriosis, originally stating in 2016 that it was due to her hectic touring schedule. Only hours after Halsey realized she was having a miscarriage she went on stage to perform, while bleeding, during tour because she did not want to hurt her career by missing a performance. Halsey chronicled her struggles with endometriosis on the talk show "The Doctors" in April 2018, where she revealed she was going to freeze her eggs. Halsey spoke out about her endometriosis once again along with the pain it causes, at the Blossom Ball which is run by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. At the Blossom Ball, she stated that, "Sometimes I'm bloated, I'm on an I.V., I'm sick, I'm on medicine, and I'm backstage, terrified that I'm going to bleed through my clothes in the middle of my show."
She told people who attended this event that she wanted to speak out because the media often portrays her as having perfect physical health despite her struggle with endometriosis. Halsey stated that in January 2017, she underwent surgery in an attempt to lessen the pain caused by the disorder. Halsey never disclosed what type of surgery she underwent. In another interview with Rolling Stone, in May 2019, published in June 2019, Halsey stated "I feel like for a normal female performer, she's like, 'Fuck, I have my period. I have a show today.' And for me, it's like, 'Fuck, I have my period. I hope I don't have to go to the hospital.' ".For a long time, Halsey believed that her Endometriosis would stop her from having children, something that she has wanted. In April 2018, Halsey said she would be freezing her eggs, because she didn't believe that she could carry a baby to full term. In 2019, she got news from her doctor that she no longer had to freeze her eggs, "I was like, "Wait, what did you just say? Did you just say I can have kids?" It was like the reverse of finding out you have a terminal illness. I called my mom, crying." Rolling Stones also wrote that 'Halsey now jokes with Maria about having a "pregnancy pact" in which they agree to get pregnant together. "Never mind. I don't need to put out a third album. I'm just going to have a baby," she announces.'

Ashley, maybe Halseyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें