The lovely Stans

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Why do we stan her?

"Today I would thank a woman who made me pursue my goals thought her song alone. That made me a little more confidend, and above all gave me the courage to stay as I am. This Woman is my Idol. I found my sexuality with her songs and be proud to be myself alone from her strongness. It isn't easy to be strong at all times but I'll try it. The first song from Halsey that I had ever heard was "Without me". I stan Halsey since I was 14 years old. I recognizes so much in her songs, because I try to understand the meanings and would see it in an other perspective. It gives me a feeling to be a better people than I was before. An other thing that I would say is the fact that Halsey gaves everytime her best. She is a Woman full of kindness and happieness, and she is very important to me. She fight for her goals and help who she can. She deserves all my respect. I feel like I'm doing the right thing by drawing Halsey quotes and Halsey pictures. It would like to deepen how much this means to me at all. I'm happy to be a part of the Halseystan's and feel welcome. Thank you for you kindness and sympathy. Halsey has show how strong you can be, and you shouldn't forget it. Thank you."
~ Luna @halsey_notes ~

"Halsey has been an inspiration and rolemodel since i was 12 years old. Her music mades me feel safe because I was different from the other children growing up. She made me feel it was ok to be myself thought her music and coming to terms with my sexuality and mental health. I felt like I did not have anyone but Halsey made me feel like she was there even though she was not physically present with me. Her music was like a comfort blanket to me that was wrapped around me and made me feel warm and loved when I felt so empty and lonely. Halsey was there when I had nobody hence I am so attached to her and her music .
I was always the weird child because I did things differently and watching her interviews and her saying that even she experienced bullying and did not have friends made me feel like the reason why I love her so much is because I relate to her and her experiences. The first time I heard about Halsey was when I was searching for lesbians kissing on YouTube and the song that came up was ghost which was Halseys first songs. Thats when I became a
Halsey stan and felt that it was not wrong to think about girls in a romantic way. Halsey would forever be a special part of my life and I would always love her. She also gave me something special as well. Friends from the Halsey standom which made me feel alot better about myself and I'm much happier now with terms to my mental health. And those friends which I made from the Halsey standom all across the globe ,I would always want to continue my friendship with because they are so special and incredible individuals. In conclusion Halsey is a young god and she has helped many young people with regards to their mental health and we all love her."
~ Tari @halseystari ~


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