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Sarah sighs as she finish setting up the food on her picnic sheet. As Jack ran behind Marcella with a bit of algee on a stick.

Sarah and Marcella had been best friends for as long as Sarah could imagine. Sarah knew that with Marcella on her side she could concur the world.

Jack was Sharh's boyfriend. They have been together for 6 months now and Sarah already felt her falling for him.

As she sat on the piece of clothing on the ground and stare at the two of the most important people in her life she could not help but wonder what would her life look like without them in it?

Preety boring.

A whistle sounded in the air. Jack and Marc stopped running abruptly, Sarah motioned them to come over.

"The last one gives up one grilled sandwich!" Marc yelled into the air and Sarah watch as both of them ran as if their life depended upon it. In the middle of their running Jack was successful to trip Marc and become the lead, but Marc was faster and grabbed him but his ankle making him fall face first. Not giving ip both of them stared crawling towards the picnic setup. Sarah watched all this with better yet bored yet amused look.

Somewhere among the crawl competition, Sarah noticed something she sould not have, a smile. Jack looked at Marc and smiled in a way she had never seen him smile at her. Maybe she was overthinking, maybe it was nothing. But she could not shake the feeling that amon the emotions in his eyes there was one she was so unfamiliarly familiar with,


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