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Do you ever feel like you are in a dream even when you are wide awake? Like the feeling of falling and drowning at the same time?
For Sarah had. She was feeling is right at this moment.

The train she had been running after finally left the station. Her fears slowly crept into her and gripped her heart. She felt sick. She wanted to scream. She wanted to turn back time so she can fix everything.

She wanted to turn back time and hold onto that spark she saw in Jack's eyes when he first met her, , not letting it go. For now that same spark was lighting up for Marc and that little spark had somehow burned her 6 months long relationship.

For as she watched Jack and Marc kiss on the living room couch, she knew that she lost two of the best people in her life, and could do nothing but watch it unfold.

They seemed to be so lost in eachother that Sarah felt that she was witnessing something she should not, but she could not pull her eyes away or stop the tears to fall from her eyes.

As they started to pull away, Sarah hid behind the wall. Silently keeping the muffin tray on the cabinet of her side, she slid down to the floor pulled her knees up to her chest and kept her mouth on her knees to silence her sobs.

Some ruffling was heard from the living room. Then whispers along the lines of, "oh shit" and "what have I done" could be heard.

They kept on talking in hushed voices but Sarah could not care less. It was over this time for her, she was not going to be the villain in her own story .

So she silently stood up wiped her tears and fixed her face a little to hide the fact that she had been crying, picked up the tray and went to the living room.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for about half an hour, Sarah could not find it in her to face Marc, or Jack for that matter. So they all ate the muffins in silence.

Marc abruptly got up and said something like "my mother needs me". Sarah nodded and Jack turned to face the other side.

The moment Marc was gone, the dam Sarah had kept inside her broke loose. Jack held her silently as she cried over the couches.

After about an hour Sarah asked him to leave,

"Why? I-I cannot leave you like this" Jack said as Sarah pushed him to the front door.

" I wish you both a happy and bright future." Sarah managed to say between sobs.

The moment the door shut in front of Jack's face, Sarah had get another breakdown and laid with the door for support, as Jack kept on yelling on the other side for hours and hours, Sarah remained on this side crying her eyes out.

Love does hurt of with the wrong person...

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