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That night Sarah cried herself to sleep, maybe it was her hormones making her paranoid and emotional. Maybe he just loved her like a sister. She somehow convinced herself that that was all, he lover his girlfriend's best friend as a sister and nothing more.

But there was still a piece of dought in her smile everytime she was with either Marc or Jack. Everytime Jack would hold her while watching a movie, it felt forced. Maybe she was imagining things. Maybe it was her paranoia that had grown into delusion?

Everytime she saw Marc and Jack together she could feel that ugly feeling on the pit of her stomach. Most nights she would stay up and wonder, how one smile on one day could ruin her unwavering trust of her best friend and boyfriend. Even though Jack made no mistake in being the perfect boyfriend he is, Sarah still felt like there was something off in him, like his eyes. They used to sparkle everytime he was with her but now they just seemed dull, well they had been dull for a long time but she just noticed it now.

Marc however shows no hints of feelings towards Jack in anyway. So Sharah thought that it ws time to stop being a insecure girlfriend and be a non delusional person.

Well not until two weeks later she was at a party at 2 am.

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