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The next few days were a curse, Marc did not remember anything, neither did any other girls. Well apart from Darcy and Amber but they promised not to tell anyone.

Today was Sunday.

Sarah, Jack and Marcella had muffin mornings (or sometimes picnic) on Sundays. So as expected Sarah was not in mood for one today. But Jack insisted as it was their last month before they left for college.

Jack came in early with supplies, and Sarah actually enjoyed his company.

"I got a surprise for you." Jack said returning to kitchen.

" What is it" Sarah raised her eyebrows.

"Well it's not much of a surprise I'd  tell you what it is." Jack replied comming closer to her his hands behind his back.

"You won't tell me?" Sarah said looking slightly behind his back to take a sneak peak.

Jack put two fingers on her forehead and pushed back, "no sneak peak" he scolded like scolding a toddler.

"Oh well" Sarah said as she turned around but then stopped abruptly and reached behind Jack from around him.

"Hey!" Jack said as he kept what looked like a square box on the kitchen table.

Sarah still kept reaching behind him, Jack held her by the waist and lifted her up and around his waist, like a belt. Sarah squealed.

"Put me down!" She screamed.

"Promise no sneak peak" Jack said, his voice dripping with authority.

" Can't promise" Sarah smirked.

"Then I can't put you down" Jack smirked back.

A few minutes of silence and Sarah complied. Jack smirked in victory and kissed her cheek. Turned around and took the box and handed it to Sarah.

Sarah opened it and there were a cute little puppy in it. Her eyes went wide as she stated in disbelief at the puppy.

Jack thought she did not like it,

"I-i just thought that you always said youw wanted a dog and then I thought that this is the last week so I was like 'fuck it im getting my girl a puppy' but I understand if you don't wan-" Jack was cut of by Sarah kissin him. He jumped in surprise but kissed back and kept his hands on her waist and pulled her forward.

Sarah pulled back and whispered against his lips, "I love it". She smiled, "you do?" Jack asked.

"I do."

"More than you love me?"

"Can't love anything more than you"

Jack smiled and kissed her again, but this time they were started but a clearing of throat at the kitchen enterence.


Marc had a frown on her face.

Looking at Marc reminded Sarah of everything as she tried not to glare at her as she turned back to Jack.

Her heart droped to her feet as she saw him smile at Marc.

No. It can't be. Can it?

Sarah thought to herself.

"I brought a gift for you too." Jack said as he took another cardboard box from the stuff he brought.

And handed it to Marc.

Marc smiled and took it. Sarah grimaced. As Marc opened her gift, Sarah could not help but wonder if it was supposed to be her or Jack or Marc and Jack.

Boom. A blast, Jumping out of her thoughts Sarah saw Marc covered in glitters and pony dust. And javk laughing like there is no tomorrow.

Sarah laughed with him and they fooled around for almost an hour.


It was time they start making muffins, Sarah was on batter duty Jack was in baking duty, Marc helped both of them around. Just like always.

But this time, as Sarah noticed, there was a spark in Jack's eyes everytime Marc came to help him around, and his eyes never leaving Marc.

Sarah felt her stomach drop as she focused on making good muffin batter.

The feeling of loosing Jack was the worst,she trusted him and knew that he would never do anything like this on purpose. He did not know that he had feelings for Marc. He was unaware of his feelings. Sarah felt like she was running after a train, screaming at it to stop, but it never did.

The worst feeling one can feel is the feeling of loosing someone you never thought you would loose. Even worse is when they leave without knowing that they are leaving. That was what was happening with Jack and Sarah, unaware of his feelings for Marc, Jack didn't realise that he was slowly walking towards Marc, leaving a screaming Sarah behind.

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