Up We Go

142 2 0

Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae

ch 12/12 w. 100332

Yoongi/Jimin/Taehyung side Seokjin/Hoseok/Namjoon

witch au, fluff, angst

Taehyung has had it rough his whole life. He carries the death of his family on his shoulders wherever he goes, and the burden is almost too much until he hears the tinkling of piano keys in the middle of Seoul. The source of the music is a small magic shop owned by local witches Jimin and Yoongi. As fate would have it, they are meant to help each other.

Review: This is my favorite OT3 fanfiction of all time, regardless of fandom. I think the description pretty much sums up what is needed to be said about it at first. The concept of witches in this fic was really fascinating. There are a few parts that absolutely have you on the edge of your seat. There are so many questions to ask while reading this story. Taehyung is such an interesting character, and I love how the author included Jungkook into the story. The whole story makes me feel sad, even through the ending, but it's nice to know that everything works out eventually.

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