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messages with niallhoran93

louiswtomlinson I think I've finally found me a place to stay. Gonna check it out once the weekend is over.

niallhoran93 Yeah? That's amazing news Tommo ! I'll have to see pics once I'm back from practice.

niallhoran93 Can't believe I'll be saying this but I'm gonna miss ya not being around all the time. Nice having my best mate round.

louiswtomlinson Nah I'm sure you're chuffed about not have to be dealing with my arse ! Plus I need to free Cliff from me sister and get him a proper home.

louiswtomlinson I've said it so many times already and I'll be saying it more I'm sure but I really do appreciate you letting me stay with you these last few months to get me life sorted. You're a good lad.

niallhoran93 Course! I'm always here for ya mate ! I know it wasn't easy for ya to come to me but I know everything's gonna work out for ya in time.

louiswtomlinson Yeah. Hope so.

niallhoran93 It will. I mean it already has yeah? Ya looking for a new place and ya finally left that job at the bookstore for something better. That's progress if ya ask me !

louiswtomlinson Definitely happy about not being at the bookstore anymore.

louiswtomlinson I still miss him though. Every fucking day.

niallhoran93 I know lad. I still hear ya cry at night when ya think ya can keep it hidden. Don't enjoy seeing me best mate like this but good times are ahead!

louiswtomlinson It's hard keeping it in at times. I don't mean to worry you. So many things remind me of him and I just never thought we'd end it.

niallhoran93 Don't think any of us saw it coming. I was definitely surprised when ya mentioned ya were having some problems.

niallhoran93 Change of subject since I'd rather not have ya upset. Where this new place at?

louiswtomlinson It's only a 20 minute drive from yours. I still have to annoy you as much as possible. Plus it's also near a train station so I can get to and from work pretty easily. It'll be nice I suppose.

niallhoran93 That's great! Means we can still hit the pub and clubs together!

louiswtomlinson We'll see lad. I've got a big boy job now and it's not the best idea to show up with a hangover. Easier at the bookstore where there wasn't anybody else really around to notice me.

louiswtomlinson Surprised the team hasn't gotten rid of you.

niallhoran93 I'm one of the top scorers in the league mate ! I also happen to take the game seriously. Not like I'm some rookie who thinks he's king of the world.

louiswtomlinson Except when you drink! Cheers!

niallhoran93 Oi everyone feels like that after a few pints!

niallhoran93 Before ya go off and make the move do ya have a date in mind for when ya actually move house? I was gonna ask ya if you could hang around next week whilst we play in Ireland. Just to keep an eye on things.

louiswtomlinson I'm trying to get out of your hair as soon as possible. I'll have to speak to the realtor and everything first.

niallhoran93 Don't run off on me ! Ya owe me !

niallhoran93 Would it be weird to try and get a hold of your friend whilst there? Never really spoke to him.

louiswtomlinson I'm not sure of Harry's travel schedule but it can't hurt. Aren't you planning on seeing your family while your home?

niallhoran93 Course I am! Bringing them all to see me play! I just thought he'd like to see places that aren't filled with tourists. Let a true Irishman show him the best country in the world !!

louiswtomlinson The last time you went back home all you did was go to bars.

niallhoran93 Call it a pub tour !

louiswtomlinson Not really Harry's scene. Unless it's a small and quaint.

niallhoran93 Plenty of places like that in Ireland!

louiswtomlinson I'd say go for it then. We're all adults so I don't know why you feel like you need to ask me to go about with others.

niallhoran93 Just being considerate of your feelings. Plus he's your friend.

louiswtomlinson Jealousy won't work here mate. Let Harry find out how annoying you are.

niallhoran93 I'm not annoying. I'm friendly.

louiswtomlinson Sure keep telling yourself that mate.

niallhoran93 Piss off Tommo. I happen to have plenty of friends. You being one of them in case you've forgotten!

niallhoran93 And others that I won't mention.

louiswtomlinson Don't have to apologize for still being his friend. He was yours first.

niallhoran93 Again being considerate here.

louiswtomlinson I know.

louiswtomlinson My turn to be the considerate supportive one.

louiswtomlinson Sorry that things with Sophia didn't work out for you.

niallhoran93 S'alright. We're better off as friends. Gave it me best shot.

louiswtomlinson You speak to her recently?

niallhoran93 Not really. She's off at some mansion rented out by some designer or whatever models do. Didn't mention Liam if that's where this is going.

louiswtomlinson Sounds like PlayBoy !

niallhoran93 It's not !

louiswtomlinson Alright well I'm gonna figure out when I can see the place and then I'll probably go over to my sisters to see Cliff. Probably will be back before you still.

niallhoran93 Alright lad ! See ya at the flat !

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