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messages with sophiaxsmith

sophiaxsmith I've never seen someone so unhappy in Greece.

liampayne We were supposed to go to Greece together. For our two year anniversary before my birthday. You know that.

sophiaxsmith I do know, babe, I also know that you're going to get through this and be happy again. Things change. The trip was supposed to be about you being able to breathe again without cameras and fans in your face begging you to talk about Louis.

liampayne Well it wasn't. I couldn't cancel all the surprises I had planned for us so I had to do them by myself. All I could think about was Louis. Couldn't even sit by my pool without glancing over and wishing he was sat next to me getting a tan.

sophiaxsmith Do you think there's a chance you and Louis could ever get back together? I feel like the worst friend for bringing this up to you again but you and Louis were amazing together. I've never seen you so full of life until you started to get to know him. I know Louis loves you with everything he has.

liampayne I don't know Soph. Things just got to be too much for the both of us and we pulled away from each other. Our time of pure love and bliss was just over without a warning.

sophiaxsmith But you've had these conversations with him right? You always are so open about your feelings.

liampayne Course I told him everything that I was feeling but we still broke up. My feelings weren't enough to reassure him that I didn't want to lose him.

liampayne I still haven't been able to delete everything of him from my phone or my Instagram. I can't look or read about how happy we were. It just hurts too much.

sophiaxsmith You're still in love with him. That's why babe.

liampayne I always be in love with him. Even when he finds someone else I'll still be in love with him.

sophiaxsmith I'm so sorry Liam.

liampayne I hate this so much. I hate feeling like I've lost everything good in my life.

sophiaxsmith You haven't and your life is amazing. Do you need me to come by?

liampayne No. I already have someone coming around tonight to keep me company. Thanks for offering though. Hate making people sleep at my house just so I don't feel alone and think about Louis all the time.

sophiaxsmith We're your friends and we love you. We'll do anything to make things better for you. No matter what darkness you're trapped in we'll get you out of it.

liampayne Thanks. Just don't want to become a burden to everyone else.

sophiaxsmith You're not a burden. And you never will be. I love you.

liampayne I love you too.

sophiaxsmith I've got to get back to the group. Just wanted to check in now that you're back 💖

liampayne Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your week. Looks like an amazing time.

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