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What are those giant monsters? Satine thought as she was forced across the sand.  They looked like enormous, deformed green pigs.  As the group of four got closer, an awful smell reached her nose, and she realized the stench was coming from those... things.

When Cad Bane halted in front of them, they started snarling and growling.  She prayed that they would block the way with their big axes so that maybe she, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon could escape.  But the pig men did no such thing.

They seemed to approve of the bounty hunter, and the doors to Jabba the Hutt's palace opened for them.  Satine started shaking in fear.

Oh, my.  This is really happening.  What would Jabba do to her? Did he plan to make her his slave? Or was he going to kill her?  The duchess gulped at the thought as their group crossed over the threshold.

It was very loud inside of the building, what with all of the aliens and people shouting, dancing, and drinking.  There were shadows lurking everywhere and there wasn't much light in the palace.  Satine didn't like it. 

And then they arrived before him in all his glory: Jabba the Hutt.  She wanted to throw up when she saw him.  He was more hideous and revolting than the pig people.  Satine tried not to think about what all could fit inside those fat rolls.

Cad Bane bowed before the slug.  "Greetings, Mighty Jabba."

Jabba the Hutt garbled out a bunch of words in Huttese, but Satine had no idea what they meant.

The protocol droid next to him translated: "The All-Mighty Jabba asks what you have brought him, Cad Bane."

"I have the Duchess of Mandalore, as requested," he grumbled, shoving Satine in the back.  She stumbled forward and glared up at Jabba."

He chortled slowly, pointing at her as if he were mocking her.  Then he started speaking in Huttese again.

The droid told them, "Jabba says that she is a feisty one, and that she will learn her place.  He also wishes for you to hand her over."

"Alright," Bane took the collar off of the duchess, but left the handcuffs on.  "I'll need my money, first." 

Satine threw a panicked glance at the two Jedi, who had not done anything so far.  What were they waiting for? Didn't they have a plan? 

But the look in Obi-Wan's eyes was like a punch to her gut.  They were filled with sorrow and fear, no cleverness or hope.

"Please, help me!" she rasped in terror, her eyes brimming with tears.

Obi-Wan just stared at the ground.

The credits had already been handed over to Bane is a silver case, and he was pushing her towards the slug. 

"No! No!" she screamed.  "I will not be bought and sold like some droid!"

Everyone just ignored her, and Jabba silenced her by placing his slimy hand on her head.  She shuddered, the tears spilling over.

Then the Hutt spoke again.

"The All-Mighty Jabba is thankful, and wishes to know why the two Jedi are here." 

The Hutt awaited the bounty hunter's answer with a frown.

"Well, I thought you might like to have Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on your hands." Cad Bane walked over to the Jedi and took off their collars.

Jabba seemed to glare at him.  Then he began to get angry.

The droid shuffled from foot to foot.  "Jabba is not pleased with you, Cad Bane.  He says that he is not an enemy of the Republic or the Jedi, and he does not wish to be.  He demands that you release the Jedi from captivity."

The blue Duros sneered, his red eyes flashing.  "As you wish."

He reluctantly removed the manacles from their wrists, and they both rubbed their arms.

Satine managed to scrounge up some hope.  Surely, they would help her now that they were free, right?  But nothing happened.  Everyone just stood there.  And when Jabba dismissed Cad Bane, they left.

Obi-Wan looked over his shoulder, his blue eyes locking onto hers.  They were simply sad, full of regret.  She just stared back in disbelief.  They were abandoning her.

The group of three disappeared into the crowd, and Jabba the Hut chuckled, caressing her cheek with a slimy hand.

She gagged and lurched away from him, but he just started laughing harder.

"The All-Mighty Jabba has lots of plans for you, Duchess of Mandalore."

Satine's face crumpled in grief and horror.

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