Keep it to myself (Chap. 2)

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Tsukishima's pov

We were in the gym waiting for everyone else to arrive. Today we were early, even earlier than Shrimpy and The King. I haven't been keeping as close an eye on Yamaguchi now as I was before classes, I think he's just having an off day. I hope it's just that.

Yamaguchi's pov

Hinata and Kageyama arrived a few minutes after us, and Hinata was annoying Kageyama, as per usual. Eventually everyone arrived and we started practice.

"Alright everyone! The Interhigh preliminaries are just around the corner! You know what that means. Practice, practice, and practice more! Perfect your techniques so we can use them effectively! Everyone understand?" Coach Ukai asked and everyone nodded their heads.

"Alright then! Spike practice is up first!" Coach Ukai yelled.

Le Time Skip to the middle of practice :p

We were working on serves now, and I was trying to make the serve hard to get, but Nishinoya kept receiving it flawlessly. I've been practicing a lot with Mr. Shimada, but I still need to improve a lot before I can actually call it a weapon.

Tsukki's pov (sorry for all the changing povs!)

I was in line to practice my serve behind Azumane, and I looked over at Yamaguchi, who was practicing his float serve. I had admit, he looked good. The serve did too. I looked ahead of me and saw that Azumane was done with his turn, and it was now my time to practice.

Time skip to break (also sorry for all the timeskips!)

I was near the side of the gym drinking my water. I was thirsty, sweaty and exhausted. I rubbed my face with my towel and sat with my back against the wall.

"Are you tired already, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked me, annoyingly.

"shut up, Yamaguchi." I shot back. I don't try to be rude to him intentionally, it just sort of slips out. He can be annoying at times, but I also find it endearing.

"Sorry Tsukki!" He said. I loved how he would just apologize, even when he didn't do anything wrong, just because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I hated that I always thought about him and what I loved about him, because I know I'll never be able to tell him any of it. It doesn't help that he's always with me either. I just wish I could tell him how I felt, but I know that I would get rejected and ruin our friendship. Or he would feel pity and accept, but not be happy. I don't want any of those, so I just keep it to myself.

"Break time's over! Get your asses over here and start practicing!" Coach Ukai yelled. I sighed and walked over. Annoying.

Ahh! I finished another chapter! I'm actually really proud of myself for starting this story and actually having enough motivation to write it! Thank you to anyone who decides to read this story, I love all you guys, and thank you for supporting me! Just remember that you are valid and cannot be replaced, no matter what! I love you all, and I hope you have an amazing day/night!❤💛💚💜💙 (again, sorry for any mistakes!)

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